the logical thing to do before any marriage these days with the rate of failed marriages. People need to drop the romantic bull**** and think logically. It makes sense the woman isn't going to be thrilled about a pre-nup, women always benefit from divorce laws. If anything, a woman who refuses to make a pre-nup is a woman you should refuse to marry.
Well put. I'm getting married in 2 months, a pre-nup's been signed.
Guys, my post was sarcastic. I'm just referencing the message popular culture is sending. It's not that they want women to have equal rights, they want women to be SUPERIOR. Little white boys are growing up being told that they're responsible for any oppression that takes place anywhere in the world. OF course males are starting to struggle in society, if someone is telling you that you're evil and inferior your whole life, you start to subconsciously believe it.fidosim
i like the marines a lot, but i heard that the navy seals are the hardest branch to get into. Putzwapputzen
Navy Seals isn't a branch, it's a job. They are virtually impossible to get into, but not the hardest. The hardest is Delta Force, that doesn't fall under a branch and the government actually STILL doesn't officially acknowledge their existence.
Because they are abused and oppressed even though they do better in school than men, and now make up most of college students. Despite their weaker physiques, female action stars have no problem beating up the mean, dirty men who oppose them. Everyone knows that American men are fat, lazy and stupid, and have nothing better to do than watch the game, eat some chips, and sit on the couchwith their hand down their pants. Teenage boys are even worse. They're stupid (that's why many of them are flunking out of school), they're lazy, they have no ambitions, and their video games and rap music make them homicidal maniacs. We need to do everything in our power to protect our innocent girls from these monsters who think with their penises. Don't question it. Don't try to change it. Popular culture has spoken.fidosim
Where did you get the grade/college statistics? Please cite. Action stars beating up mean, dirty men? You're talking about movies, acting- that's choreography. You'd be more accurate to say they're better dancers. As for the rest of your assinine bias post, I won't even dignify it with a reply. My best guess is that you're an overweight female, probably not pleasing on the eyes, that has been rejected many times by men. Well, guess what honey? We've all dealt with rejection, you need to get over it.
The Marines are the most badass, but I like the Air Force. First, because my grandfather trained fighter pilots in Vietnam. He was a staff Sgt. Second, because I root for the Air Force Academy sports teams (I live in Colorado).SmashBrosLegend
I don't mean to contradict you, but you're mistaken as to your Grandfather's job. Officers fly, back as far as WWI. They wouldn't have an enlisted E-5 teaching officers.
I'm pretty sure it's 16, depends on your state employment law. That's pretty cool that you're 15 and want to get a job, that's rare. I got my first job at a tree nursery when i was 14 =P
[QUOTE="foxhound_fox"][QUOTE="RiSkyBiZ-13"]That doesn't even make sense. Wait for what? The only reason you claim men are responsible for war and destruction is because we've been the only gender in power with the capability of destruction. List the accomplishments over history of women, and the accomplishments of men. I won't post it, but I think we all know the answer...irelevent
If women were not as suppressed throughout history to the menial labours of being a "good wife" I would definitely bet you that women would have made far more strides in the fields of discovery over men. If cave-woman were not their to push cave-man off the couch and go to work, cave-man would never have discovered wheel.
men are the reason women can do anything. was it a man or a women ho created the tampon, birth control, who voted for womens suffrage before women could vote?
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