RiSkyBiZ-13's forum posts
Explain. Well lets analyze my extreme statement. From it I believe it would be safe to assume that my views on the world and conflict resolution are that of a pacifist yes? So maybe I find it ridiculous, just like you find my statment, that you talk of your favorite branch of the military. You see nothing wrong with this? How about a topic Your favorite war? rzepak
So you claim that military members are murderers. I'm assuming you're American. Where would you be without the US Military? Let's ignore WW2, the Revolutionary War, let's be trendy and call soldiers murderers. Some of my best friends are in Iraq right now, getting shot at and dodging IED's. Where are you? Comfortable in your own American home, free to speak such nonsense because of our brave men and women. People like you make me sick, and I'm ashamed to have you in the same country.
Good luck man!
Getting a book published is a difficult process, but it's not impossible or fated to unsuccessfulness like so many people claim. It's just like any other profession or request. Ask yourself: Is your material actually good enough for the publisher's standards to get published? Would they think it would be a success?
Unfortunately, this story line is trendy. I have to play the game to get published, so I'm writing something that I know our shallow society will enjoy reading. This is my way of "getting my foot in the door." If this one gets published, I'll write another trendy flick, and when and if I become well published I'll be able to write whatever my little heart desires.
No, but I often feel like a drunk person do to my 3 day water/food fasts(I don't consume anything), my body feels like it's been up for 20 hours where as my mind has just woken up, dun like it.wemhim
what?! 3 days no water no food? that's some serious discipline. is it for religious purposes?
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