So you choose to avoid the question at hand, to not look bad. You are being quite ignorant. The only offensive part is where I called god a jerk, a few posts later. If you can point out my ignorance please do so.
Here are your "Contributions" to this thread, if you can even call them that. You asked me to point out your ignorance, I'd love to:
If "God " wanted us to believe in him, WE WOULD. There is no if and but's about this.Devil-Itachi
IGNORANCE ALERT:So you have it all figured out, hm? You know God's plan. Interesting.
Oh just wanted to add something real quick. If god exists and the only way to go to heaven is by the rules of the bible 'n stuff. What happens to are fellow earthlings, do they just die or go to hell because they simply can't speak this language. What about the people in North and South america that had no way of knowing about this until just a few hundred years ago. Do all of them just go to hell because they didn't know?Devil-Itachi
IGNORANCE ALERT: Read the bible. If you are a good, moral person, you will go to heaven. Not quite by the rules of the, how did you word it? "The bible 'n stuff."
I would like a answer. Did god only care about one side of the world? And does he only care about humans?
IGNORANCE ALERT: So what exactly do you mean one side of the world? Christianity is spread world-wide, and God cares for ALL of us. Also, when you say humans, surely you're not referring to the existence of aliens... Well, maybe you are. lol.
No, I don't believe in God. But it sounds like your guys god is a jerk.Devil-Itachi
IGNORANCE ALERT: This is just insulting, with no explanation as to how you reached the conclusion that God is a "jerk."
I can see RiSkyBiZ-13 can now be dismissed as a blind follower. As he can not properly defend his beliefs. He should be seen in the same way kids believe in Santa Claus, kind of sad but hey it makes them happy.Devil-Itachi
IGNORANCE ALERT: Again, being very offensive and disrespectful. Calling a devout Catholic a child who believes in Santa Clause. Read my first post, this thread was a post of my PERSONAL views and beliefs, with no fact supporting it. When it comes to Religion, there is no such "proper defense" of beliefs. There is only faith.
I hope that was sufficient for you.
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