Scientific theories are facts-du-jour. But scientific hypotheses are debatable. Its all part of the scientific method.
How do you think the big bang theory came about? Observation? No - deduction - based on repeatable evidence. Its the same with evolution. Other scientific and medical disoveries have also involved things that we can not see or sense.
The reason so many people believe in the big bang and evolution is that the evidence is overwhelming and the case made has been discussed and agreed throughout the scientific community.
I can turn your argument round on you and ask you did you observe gods creation? If not, then, according to you, you have nothing but theories. The difference is that scientific theories are backed up by unassailable facts.
Scientific theories based on facts? Theory and Fact do not belong in the same sentence. Neither the big bang nor evolution disproves God's existence in any way.
Happy birthday! I just hope you're a girl, because I know a guy wouldn't say "I'm sweet sixteen." (you said last year people were rude, so someone has to keep the tradition!)
That sounds like as much of a cop out as "God works in mysterious ways." (I'm sorry, but we're sworn enemies through these religion threads, I have to argue all of your points :o)
I dunno, they just weren't my type, personality wise really. wemhim
How do you know? That's what dating is for, to find out if they are your type. It's important for your heart to get broken once or twice, it helps to shape and form your personality- if you don't have a relationship you'll miss out on one of life's great experiences. You never know when the right one will come along. I swore off dating 3 years ago, but a young lady approached me a little over a year ago and now we're getting married in 2 months. You never know!
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