The problem I see with people like Devil-Itachi is that they are what I like to call "aggressively atheist". Not only do they not believe in G*d, they aggressively pursue their atheism in a way that resembles religious zealots. Zealots of any stripe are usually free from all logic anyway, so it's difficult to talk to them. The way I see it, however, it's very difficult to believe in G*d mainly because He never seems to show His face.
For myself; I don't believe in any higher power because I've never seen any evidence for it. Never seen any evidence against it either, but frankly that's not enough to convince me either. I won't say I DON'T believe in Him, just that I'm not sure. The same way I can't ever truly be sure if the universe is infinite or not. So long as there is no conclusive proof either way, it's sheer idiocy to make any kind of judgement call. I deplore scientists that just "believe" that the universe is infinite. They're making a cardinal sin of taking something on faith when there is not enough evidence to justify it. All of science is based on that.
As for free will, does nobody else think it's overrated? Apparently, we've been given such a wonderful gift as the ability to make our own decisions. What do we do with it? We murder each other over the pettiest things, we destroy hundreds of lives over tiny patches of land, we rape and steal and maim ... really, what good is this free will? Without it, we may be robots without any control over our actions, true, but we'd live in a utopia where there would be no poverty, no crime, no hate, no malice. Wouldn't that be worth the sacrifice of something that hasn't done us a whit of good anyway? And you might say, "there are good people in this world." Certainly there are. But not everyone is good. Not everyone CHOOSES to be good. And therein lies the problem. Why give them the choice to be bad in the first place? Why not take the choice from them, and FORCE them to be good?
Anyway, as for the Big Bang: there is evidence to support that, and evidence against. And not all evidence against is neccessarily aimed at disproving G*d either. One of the more popular ones is the fact that there seems to be not enough mass in the universe to justify the theory, thus the theory about "dark matter" that we can't detect. Oh right, dark matter. Is this like G*d then? Something we need to take on faith? I'm sorry, but if I can't detect it, I can't believe in it. It may very well be there, but until there's evidence for it I can't just "take it on faith".
In the end, most people like me, in answer to the question, "why DON'T you believe in G*d? There's no evidence saying he's NOT there ..." the answer would be, "why should I?" There just isn't any reason we have to believe in something we can't see evidence for. I suppose it only applies to people with a very strong scientific background like myself, who spent a lifetime making conclusions only based on sound evidence.
The fact is, science is as unlike faith as can possibly be. For a religious person, there never was evidence and never will be, but that's OK. For a scientist, EVERYTHING is based on evidence. For a religious person, "evidence" doesn't faze their beliefs, because they have faith. For a scientist, every theory is only true as long as new evidence doesn't come along to disprove it. Even our so-called "laws" can be bent or broken if empirical evidence provides a counterexample. For the longest time, Newton's "Laws" were thought to be absolute. Until Einstein came along.
As for Bible interpretation, what can I say. I've never read it, so I don't have any knowledge of it. All I CAN really say about the Bible is that I hate people who quote passages from it to put down others, as though every single thing you do is a sin against G*d and that you'd go to Hell forever and ever and a day. If that's the way Christians convert then no thank you, I get enough people screaming at me at work, I don't need any more thank you very much. I don't need nor desire some person constantly yelling, "You're going to Hell, young man! Do you not fear the fire and the brimstone?! You cannot be saved, you're a damned soul, may G*d have pity on you ..." And here I thought only the Calvanists were that depressing.
While our views oppose, that's one of the most constructive and well-though posts in this thread. Thank you.
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