@lyncer777 @mrboone01 I have built computers at retail stores. Don't do that business anymore. But we found that PNY cards tend to fail all the time. As far as Nvidia or AMD among other manufacturers. The fail rate was about the same between the two. Sounds like you got unlucky and had a bad experience. But who cares as long as you can game right? GTX 285s ran very hot. My GTX 575 is great.
The PvP experience gets old quickly? How about the non random dungeons and same old grind? LOL for all you D3 lovers. You're welcome to love the game. 90 percent of the people I know have uninstalled this game...the other 10 percent will now as they were holding out for PvP. Never should have been advertised nor should they have put time and money into it. Should have focused solely on the PvE element in my opinion. Would have been a better game.
Riddick123's comments