@strawberry9 I realize that some people enjoyed the ending, however it ruined the whole series for me. I see no point in investing more time and money into the series when it does not affect the overall outcome of the game. Most DLC content add to ending of a game not pre ending. Won't be buying any of the ME3 DLC either. Hope those that do enjoy it.
I could really care less what you say about my family or women or my religion. Don't know you from a hole in the ground. Say what you will. I wouldn't declare that you be killed over it. I will just laugh and insult you back. Is it ok to want to kill Jewish people and insult them as well. Quit acting like you are so much more civilized than the rest of the world. Treat the rest of the world with respect and quit threatening to kill everyone who looks at you cross eyed. Maybe then you will be treated with respect.
You need to make it "I'm" and "American" with a capital A. You obviously speak it better than me. You don't understand when you've been trolled either. You from Chicago or Detroit?
Already been done by some low life "artist" who took a crucifix with Jesus on it and dumped it upside down in a bottle of his urine. So if Christianity was like Sharia law, this moron should have a death sentence declared on him. Why would you waste 10k on a PC? That is a waste of money.
Riddick123's comments