@ChemicalReaper You have to log into the Ubisoft network or whatever the hell they call it and enter in the code you were supposed to get. If you did that and you don't have it, that is very crappy indeed.
Felt rushed and incomplete for me. I feel there should have at least been an option for a somewhat "happy" ending. Though it should have been difficult to achieve. I expected a showdown with Harbinger instead of him just showing up, blasting a laser in your direction and leaving. The whole Rachni thing from ME and ME 2 was pretty pointless in my opinion. That part of the story was minimal and short. Yes I downloaded the Extended Version, still seemed incomplete and rushed for me. Again, in my opinion, they really did not need to add the multiplayer. It's fun buts gets old. I think the kid at the end was annoying. I have read there was an original ending in different articles on net, but that when it was leaked they had to rush to change it. But it is a game so life goes on. Some people liked it a lot. I was not one of them. I didn't think getting all in a huff about it was going to changed anything. I enjoyed the game enough to do 2 play thrus. So it obviously didn't suck for me. Just disappointing.
@Austinbrown1994 @Taz_12_Dave I found the ending disappointing. I don't rant and rave about it. But since myself and others were disappointed, that makes us insane? I understood it. I still like the game but the ending was very weak imo.
Riddick123's comments