@thechuck11 When you buy a used car, do you think you should have to also give $500 to Ford Motor Company? If you buy a used TV at a garage sale, should you have to also cut a $50 check to Panasonic? Put a little thought into what you're saying here..
I will never contribute a penny to supporting this sort of greed. If you ask me, this is the last straw for Microsoft. Windows 8 is garbage and nobody wants it. Windows phones are inferior to both Android and iPhone. Windows tablets are an overpriced joke. How does Microsoft answer this? By shitting on loyal Xbox owners...the one part of the market in which Microsoft was still doing well. Good game. Thanks for playing.
I really don't know why anyone still plays this turd of a game from this turd of a company. There are far better MMO's out there. Some of them are even free to play. I guess it's just that people have formed a community and don't want to leave that community. That's all. They get in a guild and talk to the same people every day and they like those people and want to continue to play with them.
As for me, I'm done with Blizzard. After having my WoW account hacked repeatedly while it had been inactive for over a year, then having them blame it on me in their standard email when there is no way possible it could have happened from my end (since I hadn't logged into the account for a year and didn't even own the computer that WoW used to be installed on anymore)...after getting shit for my $60 of hard earned money for Diablo 3, I have a bad taste in my mouth for this company. It's a pity, because they used to be my favorite game maker.
@cuddlyfuzzle @RoadStar1602 I do love their product. I love that I can buy games from them without them shitting on me. That's awesome. And, as I said, I do intend to play the games. Anyway, I choose to support a good company because it has good policies that I'd like to see other companies imitate...and how I spend my money is my business.
RoadStar1602's comments