@ecs33 @cboye18 I couldn't have said it better myself. I remember playing WC, WC2, Diablo and Starcraft and absolutely loving Blizzard. Everything changed when the WoW monster came out. This is an arrogant company that belittles its customers and releases average games with intrusive DRM at inflated prices now. I have no use for Blizzard anymore.
Sometimes these professional reviewers just don't get it, and that is disheartening. It happened with Duke Nukem Forever, and it's happening again here with Deadpool. Deadpool is not about groundbreaking game mechanics. It's about having fun, and the game allows the player to have a lot of fun. It's about laughing for 5 hours and saying, "what the ****," repeatedly. That happens...a lot.
The camera in the fight sequences plays out pretty much like in Batman: Arkham Asylum. Yet that game was given a 9.0 by Gamespot, and this one was given a 5.5.
I do have a knock on the game, though. At $40 for PC and $50 for console, this game is a rip off. The replay value is zero. To pay $40-$50 for a 5-6 hour game is insanity to me. THAT is what would cause me to give the game a low review score. Wait for a 75% off sale on Steam.
@zyxe @Saketume He was joking. It wasn't that funny, but it was a clever way to look at things. He's saying they are measuring by weight, rather than headcount. That's kind of funny. You just may be in danger of taking things too seriously.
@skunkpants Not that this has any bearing on this particular topic, but males are portrayed in the same way and that is true for the entertainment industry as a whole, not just gaming.
@spoonybard-hahs I don't see why you feel threatened by people pointing out the woeful inaccuracy of this survey. Because people point out that some statistics about women are false doesn't mean they are attacking women in any way. What they are attacking is the inaccurate survey. I and many others represent men who would love to see more female gamers. Pointing out that there aren't many of them yet is in no way an attack on women. Get a grip and try again.
@Cariwyn I think people are making this judgement based on life experience. I mean, when people come over your house to play games, how many of them are women? Are you in a guild or on a team in an online game? How many members are women? Chances are, only maybe one out of ten. There are 6 men at my work and 4 women. All 6 men are gamers, but zero of the women are gamers.
My main game is League of Legends. It is approachable and appealing to both genders. There are as many female champions as male. It is the biggest online game in the world, with over 12 million unique logins per day, and 85% of the players are male. That is the demographic.
Increasingly, we are seeing more and more female gamers, and I think that's great. The more the merrier. There were absolutely none when I was a kid. Now there are some, but they absolutely do not make up 45% of all gamers. I wish they did, but that is simply not the case yet.
@spoonybard-hahs I don't think anyone is saying that there's anything wrong with women or men playing Angry Birds. I play it, but that's not all I play. I play all sorts of games every day, including what some people label "hardcore games." That's why I'm a gamer. Someone who only plays casual games like Words with Friends or Bejeweled on Facebook or Android, on the other hand, is not a gamer. Gaming is my hobby. That's why I'm a gamer. Gaming is not a the hobby of a person who just only plays 4 Pics 1 Word to pass some time.
@FumikoM @RoadStar1602 Ok, I have given up on you as a human being. I hope you will grow up enough to admit when you are wrong someday. Good luck to you.
@MikeDrawsALot @RoadStar1602 Drawing from my own experience, yes. I play multiplayer games every day, both online and locally. I also have conversations with people every day about games. You know what? Probably 90% of the women I know don't play anything more than casual games. Probably 90% of the people I play with online identify themselves as male. So do I have facts to prove this? Yes, I do.
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