@ggsimmonds: Vicky 2 would probably be the most similar tbh. But they are borrowing different stuff from all of their games. It's pretty much going to end up like, if Paradox made Distant Worlds. That's Stellaris.
Man has the guy who wrote this even played other paradox games? They are going to be so annoyed he compared it to Civ so much...
It hardly dominated. Didn't even end up as the highest selling of it's generation... In fact, it was third...
Seemed like the review didn't really match the score. But that's somewhat irrelevant, if it got a 2 I'd probably still try it. It's Fallout...
@dctcool: Yeah thanks Sherlock, that's such an original thought you just had. Nobody has ever known that before. Jesus...
I don't really understand how they could balls this up so badly. PC gaming isn't new. People know how to make PC games. It is known...
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