@oldschoolvandal @ThePixelOmen @Robboninja It's got nothing to do with affording it or not. Nor does it have anything to do with feelings. The pure and simple fact is, most of the people who pirate "your" game would not actually buy it under any circumstance. We all know right from wrong and nobody here needs a lecture on morals buddy ;). Just pointing out some realties.
Actually I'm 25, I never went to University, finished school and started working construction. I'm lucky enough to be blessed with reasonable intelligence and that has helped me carve out a fairly comfortable life for myself. I own two houses working on the third and my work (now in mining) fly's me all over the country from one week to the next. So spare me you're childish internet finger pointing. The fact is, my pinky finger has done more work in it's life so far then you will ever do in yours. Enjoy your day buddy ;).
Of course it's overstated. These studies aren't getting all the facts anyway and assuming everyone that pirates a game would have otherwise paid money for it, is naïve. If piracy was not an option I would only play 5-10% of the titles I play now.
Robboninja's comments