@Derbefrier I don't think there is anything revolutionary about it. It looks like somebody perceived a lot of great elements of other shooters and but them together into a AAA, polished experience, an awesome game. I think they should be commended for that, which is an achievement in itself. Not for inventing or re-inventing anything.
Umm they re-invented movement? Heard of Tribes mate? Tribes: Ascend? Warframe? Obviously a polished game but let's not make Respawn out to be the messiahs of FPS movement, because they aren't and stating such is a kick in the teeth to all the smart folks who did it first and who did it better. Titanfall's strength, I would suggest, is the way it goes about mixing it's Pilot and Titan combat elements which seems to be a lot more fun than other games that have done this in the past. It feels like you missed the point of the game in this review. Maybe you're a good writer, but you don't know games.
@guardianofhonor @PJthePlayer2 Why even bother typing this when you obviously have no idea what you are talking about? Why not just shrug your shoulders and move on to the next news story? You remind me of herp-a-derp...
Jess is looking more lovely than usual today. Maybe the Wii U should have just been a controller peripheral for the Wii? I'm not really sure they made a big enough step in this generation. Going from the Wii, which I really wanted despite it's lack of power compared to it's competitors, now I feel somewhat jaded about the whole thing. I'm not sure what I'm getting that is really all that different from the Wii. I want to want it, but... I'm just not feeling it :/.
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