Definitely Planescape Torment.....not only is the entire game an examination of identity, but the conversations throughout the game provide stories that make the player think about things such as War, Religion, Love, Hate, Greed, etc.....and it examined these subjects without being preachy and instead through simple story.
Just one example of one of the many many amazing experiences and conversations in this game that show what an intelligent game it is happens when the player is using one of the sensory stones as is getting a memory of a 2nd-in-command military officer on a battleship bombarding a civilization below and he asks the capatin how they will ever be able to live with themselves with all the civilians they are exterminating, and the commander replies that the only way he can stay sane and carry on his duty is to believe what his government has told him, even though he knows it's not true...which is to pretend that there are no civilians down there, just enemy soldiers and bases and that in war, the term "enemy" is something that can and does get used broadly. Of course the way the whole story is worded is a million times better then the summary I gave.
BioShock is another game that makes you think. It makes the player really question "Why am I doing this" in which no other game has ever done in the twist answer that it provides. Most games provide a lame story as to why the player character would blindly go blasting away at a million enemies and do things as the game instructs them to do......BioShock adds a new dynamic in showing that not only is the character not in control, but neither was the player....and all the time they didn't know it.
Deus Ex and Beyond Good & Evil both examined government corruption, lies, and false propoganda put out by those who want to stay in power by controlling the masses through false information....and that it isn't always wise to blindly accept what those who have power tell you to be true cause the opposite can be true.
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