- Having the ability to view movies or cutscenes again in the options menu after you've already gotten them. God of War II is an example of this.
- Being able to pause and skip a cutscene if you wish.
- Being able to view a written dialogue text log in the options menu. Planescape Torment is an example of this, and in a way so is BioShock.
- Parts of a game that introduce and teach gameplay aspects that don't seem like a tutorial or a distraction......Half Life 2 is an example of doing this really well when you first get the Gravity Gun and get to play with Dog.....that part both fuctioned well in teaching the player how to use the gravity gun, but it also acted as a nice little break from all the action while still feeling connected with the overall game.
- Like someone else said....realistic dialogue, but probably more so, Natural Dialogue. Dialogue that flows well in addition to actually being something a person in a specific situation would realistically say.
- Subtle Sky Effects.....I like it when you look up at a sky and after awhile notice that the clouds are gently rolling along, and I dont mean blatantly obvious as if it looks like some major storm is happening. When it comes to sky effects, subtle seems more realistic and natural. Especially when the clouds cast shadows in a subtle manner, I actually thought Assassin's Creed did a great job with this.
- In Shooters.....being able to at least issue "stay" and "go there" commands to friendly NPCs travelling with the player.
- In shooters / action games.....being able to shoot out a light bulb. Maybe it's nitpicking....but I find it unrealistic if you blast a lamp or lightbulb with a gun, or a grenade gets tossed into a room, and the lamps and light continue working perfectly find after taking direct hit.
- In Shooters / Actions games.....NPCs that dynamically react to each other, especially in dialogue....NOLF & NOLF2 are two big examples of this of how you could listen in on guards conversations, especially in NOLF2 where the conversations would change around...the original HL did this in a ground breaking way at the time. For example when two barneys / guards were with each other travelling with the player, the dialogue and reactions would be slightly different then when it was a guard and a scientist.
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