Yes, a week and 2 days after I return from vacation, I finally type up this blog because I've been procrastinating until now. Sorry about that. But anyway, my vacation was awesome...I had a great time. But I'm definitely glad to be back here. Enough about that though. Let's talk about movies/games!
This past Monday, my dad took me and my bro to see this, and I thought it was awesome. Definitely the best action movie of the year next to 300. Seriously, this movie blew me away. There were practically no slow parts of setting was pretty much non-stop action. I highly recommend this to anyone, because you don't have to have seen the first 3 movies to understand the plot in this one. Enough said.
The Ringer
I saw this on HBO on Monday. Overall, it was a pretty funny movie, but some parts were just kindof it on a rainy day if you're bored. That's allI got to say about it.
I went to Best Buylast Friday and bought this cause it's one of my favorite movies of all time. It's a really funny spoof of Star Wars, which I'm sure the majority of you know. Yeah, I just didn't have it in my collection, and got the urge to buy it one day.
Dumb & Dumber
I bought this the same day that I bought Spaceballs for the same reason. Hilarious movie. Buy it if you haven't seen it already. You'll laugh out loud for 90% of the movie.
And now moving on to games...
I actually beat this game a month ago yesterday. It's really fun if you're into FPSs with good stories. Plus, you get all these cool guns and gadgets, so I thought it was a superb shooter, and highly underrated. Not a Halo killer, but good enough to kill a few weekends with.
Okay guys, that's it for now, have a good one!
Rocker500 Blog
Going on Vacation
by Rocker500 on Comments
Movie Backlog (If You Will)
by Rocker500 on Comments
John Tucker Must Die - I saw this on HBO a couple weeks ago. A lot of people thought this movie was total crap, but I got a few good laughs out of it. So in my opinion, it was a decent High School comedy. So if those movies are your thing, then definitely check this one out.
Beverly Hills Cop - I saw this about a week ago with my dad. Eddie Murphy was hilarious in this '80s Action/Comedy. If you liked Dr. Doolittle, you'll like this one.
Beerfest - I just saw this on Saturday...and I'm glad I did. It was a pretty funny movie in my opinion...but not the funniest I've ever seen. I recommend it to anyone mature enough to see it though.
Kelly's Heroes - I got this for my dad for Father's Day cause I know he likes it a lot....and I just got around to watching it with him for the first time last night. Great cla ssic war movie. Great Clint Eastwood movie. Definitely get it if you're into those cla ssic WWII movies.
Now, I'll talk about movies that have been on DVD for a while that I'd like to see...
To Hell and Back - I also got this for my dad for Father's Day....he likes this one a lot too. I've never seen it, but I plan on watching it with him sometime before this weekend. I hear it's awesome though.
X-Men 3: The Last Stand - I've really been meaning to see this ever since it came out, but I haven't gotten around to it yet. A lot of people thought it was bad, but I just want to see it because it's the last in the trilogy and the first two were great. I hope to rent it by the end of the summer.
Big Momma's House & Big Momma's House 2 - A couple more movies that I'd like to see that look really funny that I just haven't gotten around to renting yet. I'm a fan of Martin Lawrence cause I like his type of comedy, Eddie Murphy/Chris Rock-esque.
Norbit - As I mentioned before, I think Eddie Murphy is pretty funny. I kindof missed out on this one when it was in the theaters, even though I sortof wanted to see it, but I guess I'll just pick it up next time I drop by Blockbuster.
Grandma's Boy - I've heard from a lot of people that this is a really funny movie, and a lot of my friends have quoted from it, and it sounds from that that it's pretty hysterical too, so yeah.
The Ringer - A lot of people have been telling me how hilarious this is...and it looks pretty funny too, so....
Anyways, that's it. Just a quick blog that I thought I might share my "Movie Backlog" with you guys. As always, comments are appreciated. :)
Summer, PotC3, Ace Combat, An HDTV, a $100 PSP, and more!
by Rocker500 on Comments
First and foremost, I'm out for summer as of a week prior to yesterday!!!!!! So far, I'm having a blast doing a huge amount of gaming, watching The Daily Show with Jon Stewart in the mornings at 10:00 AM, and staying up late!!!
On Memorial Day, my dad took me, my friend, and my friend's brother to see this. All in all, it was a pretty good movie, a good end to a decent trilogy. This was definitely better than the second one, and about on par with the first one. Keira Knightley was hotter than ever, and the battle at the end was much better than any of the previous ones. The only real beef I had with this movie was that one of my favorite characters got killed off in such a lame way...stabbed out of confusion by Bootstrap Bill...that's all I'll say so that I won't spoil it for anyone who hasn't seen it. Like I said, it was a good end to the trilogy though.
Mortal Kombat: Shaolin Monks
This coming Tuesday, I will have beaten this game a month ago. I highly recommend this to anyone who likes Mortal Kombat or Beat 'Em Up RPG games. I really think that they did an excellent job making this a fun adventure game. So yeah, if you're looking to kill a weekend or two, go ahead and pick this one up.
Ace Combat 04: Shattered Skies
I bought this Used but in mint conditionat my local GameStop for $9.99. I beat it by the following Saturday because there's only 18 missions in the game, but I thought it was fun nevertheless. The combat sequences are phenomenal, and the explosions both look and sound great. The only thing I didn't really like about it was that there weren't actual cutscenes, but just stills with audio monologues. The story is kindof weird, it's not even on earth, it's some made up conflict in some made up land called Erusea. And it's not even told from the character that you play as's point of's some kid on the ground in his occupied I said, it's weird, but the combat makes it worthwhile. But even though the story is strange, all the jets in the game are real life jets, like F-4s, F-5s, F-14s, F-15s, F-16s, F-18s, F-22s, etc. So yeah, it'sa definite must-have for anyone who even remotely likes Jet Fighter Sims.
Ace Combat 5: The Unsung War
I bought this the same day that I bought AC4, only this one was New for $19.99 Greatest Hits. And so far, it's pretty good. There are actual cutscenes in this game, you can give commands to your wingmen,and the graphics are a little better. However, the story is still weird, and the combat is still awesome. There are 30 missions in this one, but I'm still on the10th oneor something. Anyway, yeah, it's great.
Full Spectrum Warrior
I originally bought this about 3 years ago, then got stuck on the first mission. Then about a year ago, I picked it up again and got to like the fourth mission. Then, I put it down again cause I had other games I wanted to play more. And lately, I've been getting a craving to play it again, and I've gotten to theseventh mission. I honestly love this game, and think it's great how they put a real time strategy game in action game format. It's considered RTS because you never actually fire a shot from a weapon, but rather omniscently command 2 squads through the Middle East (Iraq?) to get to specific mission objectives and complete them. So if you're one of those military buffs like me who likes to be a tactician, then by all means pick up this game.
My dad got this as his anniversary present from my mom. It's a Philips42" LCD HDTV, but the thing that sucks is that games can't be played on it because it burns an image into the screen, or so says the dude at Best Buy. But movies look awesome on it, even the non-HDDVD ones.
Last but not least, my friend offered to sell his barely used PSP to me for $100 WITH all the accessories that he has for it like the charger, case, memory sticks, etc. So when I get enough money, I plan on buying it from him. Pretty sweet deal, huh?
Alright well that's it for now guys, have a good one.
I don't think I've ever been this nervous before in my life...
by Rocker500 on Comments
I'm on the drumline at my school. But, every May, we have to audition for the drum we want to play (Snare, Tenors, or Bass) for the Fall season. Well, last year was my Freshman year, and I played on the Bass Line then, which is basically what almost everone starts out on as a Freshman. This year, I'm hoping to get on the Snare Line, which is pretty hard. However, the way it's looking now with who all's trying out for snare this year, the odds are in my favor so that it's likely that I'll make our Snare Line of 4 this year, assuming these 2 guys who aren't very good haven't gotten drastically better since the last time I saw them play, but I don't want to get cocky. I've been practicing and praying every single day for the past several months. So yeah, May 9th are the auditions, and I'm really nervous.
But enough about that, let's talk about movies and games!
I saw this Friday with my dad, and I have to say, it's the best Spiderman movie out of all 3, and the best Superhero movie I've seen in a long time. Critics say there were too many slow parts in the movie, well that's what builds the suspense for when the action does pick up. So yeah guys, I recommend that if you haven't seen it yet, go ahead and see it when you get a chance.
I got this last summer, and decided to save it for road trips/plane rides. Well, I played it on a road trip, but didn't beat it then, so I put it away. Later, I got kindof bored one day, and remembered that it was a fun game, so 3 weeks ago, I finally beat it. It's not particularly long, but some parts get kindof hard, and it takes a while to get past them. Overall though, I give it a 10.0 because it's an excellent choice for a GBA game if you want to play an FPS while you're travelling, and you don't have a PSP or a DS.
I got this game last September, played the first level, then put it down because I had other games that I wanted to play before it. So a few weeks ago, I picked it up and started playing it a little bit again. Then two weeks ago, I played it like all day Friday after school and then all day Saturday, and beat it Saturday night. My opinion of it? If you own a PS2 or a PS3, I really think you should get this game. Honestly, I think it's better than Halo/Halo 2 in every way except multiplayer. the MP isn't so hot, but hey, the single player is what counts for me, since I don't have PS2 Online. Yeah, this is THE FPS for PS2. I can't tell you how much I recommend this game.
I bought this game at Blockbuster the Friday before last on clearance for $7.50, so I said "Why not?" Yeah, I played it like all day that Saturday, and beat most of the game then, and then the next day, I beat two more missions, and finally, on Monday, I beat the last mission. Overall, it's a pretty good game. Better than CoD: Finest Hour, but still not quite as good as the PC CoD games. It definitely is one step closer to them than Finest Hour is, though. So if you're looking to kill a weekend, and you happen to see this game, it wouldn't be a bad choice to pick it up.
This is a game that I bought on the same day that I bought CoD2: BRO. It was on clearance for $10.00, and I'm a Mortal Kombat fan, so yeah. I didn't get a chance to play it yet until this weekend since I was playing CoD2: BRO all last weekend. So far though, it's a really fun adventure game. I can tell that they really put a lot of work into it. And, in my opinion, it's more fun than Ninja Gaiden, simply because Ninja Gaiden was so incredibly hard, and this is set in the Mortal Kombat universe. Anyway, you either get to play through the game as Kung Lao or Liu Kang, and each of them have their signature moves from the games. The way it works is, throughout the game, you will gain Experience points, and with these, you can "buy" more moves/combos/abilities/etc. for your character, so that you can kill enemies more effectively. I really like how you can fight a bunch of enemies at once, and string combos off of them. So if you want to play a fun beat em' up adventure game, and you like Mortal Kombat, You would do well to pick this up.
Yesterday, I was at Blockbuster again, and I saw this on clearance for $7.50. I bought the original Full Spectrum Warrior almost 3 years ago, and played through a few levels of it, and then put it down for some reason. I'm not sure why, but I guess I just had other games I wanted to play. But I saw this, and thought it would be a good buy, since during the summer drought, I plan on finishing up the original FSW game, and then playing/beating this one.
That's it guys. Please pray for me, because I really want to make the Snare Line.
SPARTANS! PREPARE FOR GLORY! 300, Games Beaten, Rare Games, Taco Bell, and More!
by Rocker500 on Comments
Man, Ish! You took the quote I was gonna use, "Tonight We Dine in Hell!", so I had to settle for "Spartans, Prepare for Glory!", haha, just kidding, it's straight, man.
I saw this yesterday......and I have to say that it's without doubt the best movie I've ever seen in my entire life. I almost started a slow clap at the end. If you haven't seen this yet, go see it now. The story, acting, and action are all great. Running just under 2 hours, it's the perfect length for a good movie. This was even better than The Departed. That's all I can say about this masterpiece.
Games I've Beaten Recently
I got this game used at my local Blockbuster 3 summers ago for $4.99 I think. I've been playing on and off ever since, but I finally beat it last Friday, after I posted my last blog. Overall, I think it's the best FPS on the PS1, and the best game on the PS1 next to Metal Gear Solid.
Yeah I got this last Friday, and 2 days later, on Sunday, I'd beaten it. It was a pretty short game, but that's because I was playing pretty much non-stop. It's basically just more missions. Nothing really new here that wasn't in the first game except for the fact that it's told from a different guy's point of view, and 2 new weapons, the German FG42 Paratroop Rifle, and the American M3 "Grease Gun" Sub-Machinegun. It was still really fun while it lasted though.
My Day Today
After I woke up, had breakfast, got dressed, and brushed my teeth today, I did some yardwork (edged, mowed, and blowed) for $20. Then, I took a shower, and went over to EB games and bought:
Only the rarest game in was a miracle that I actually found it used at my local EB for $24.99. Yeah, a little over 2 years ago, I had a crazy obsession with the Metal Gear Solid franchise, and I bought the first two games used over Thanksgiving Break that year, and played them to death pretty much, until I got MGS3 for Christmas. Then, a couple months later, since my bro was taking the PS2 off to college, I sold MGS2 and MGS3, but kept MGS since I still had my PS1. So yeah, I walked in the store, and on the off-chance that they would have it, I asked them if they did, and sure enough, they did.
Another used game, this one for $3.99. I first played this game when I rented it like 3 years ago, but then kindof forgot about it. Then, I found it in the used games bin at EB, so yeah.
For $12, a full year's subscription to Game Informer! It came with EB's discount card as well! I know! What an awesome deal!
And, to top off an awesome day, I went to eat dinner at none other than.....
That's it for now, guys! Enjoy the rest of your Spring Break!
I love to get packages in the mail, especially when they're video games.........
by Rocker500 on Comments
Okay so last weekend, I ordered 3 games, all from different places. Today, the last of them came, and I was really excited to get them, as always.
Finally, my Resident Evil collection is complete! (That is, until I get a DS, at which point I'll get Resident Evil: Deadly Silence. Also, until Resident Evil: Umbrella Chronicles for the Wii and Resident Evil 5 for the 360 come out.) I ordered this one from for $35, and got it this past Tuesday. And yes, I know I can't play it yet because I don't have a Wii yet, but I just wanted to get it before it becomes even harder to find. I'm sure it'll be worth the money though.
I ordered this game from for the unbelievable price of $4.99! I was pleasantly surprised to get it in the mail today. So yeah now my Rainbow Six collection is complete until I get a 360, at which point I'll get Vegas.
I ordered this game from for $20. I got this in the mail today, along with R6: Lockdown. And now, my Brothers in Arms collection is complete until I get a 360 and Hell's Highway comes out.
So yeah, that's it. I'll be busy playing these for a while.
Have a good spring break guys!
Stuff I've Been Playing
by Rocker500 on Comments
Well, I got this game about 4 weeks ago at Target for $14.99. I'm about half way through the game, and I've gotta say that I'm pretty impressed. It's different from previous Bond games in that it's 3rd person, which isn't necessarily a bad thing. The game features the take-cover-then-pop-out-and-squeeze-off-a-couple-shots-then-go-back-to-cover mechanic, similar to Gears of War and Rainbow Six: Vegas, and it's used pretty well. I quickly learned that you can't always charge into an area with guns blazing, but that you sometimes have to pick off enemies a couple at a time. Also, instead of making up names for the guns like they did in previous Bond games, they actually used the real names of the guns, such as the AK-74, Sig552, Desert Eagle, P99, MP5K, and more. Overall, I'm really enjoying this game. It's just as fun, if not more fun, than the other Bond games.
I bought this about 3 years ago the day it came out, and played it non-stop for several months. Then, for some reason, I got kindof bored with it. But about a month ago when I was on February winter break, I got an urge to play it again, so I installed it and patched it. So yeah, I've been playing this a lot lately. I forgot how good of a game it was. In my opinion, it's a lot better than BF2 and all the other BF games, because there are virtually no bugs/hackers in BFV. Plus, it's just a whole lot more fun for some reason. (Yeah, I know I rated BF2 higher than this in my reviews, but I've come to realize that this game is far superior.) So, if you're looking for a good team-based FPS, I'd recommend getting this game.
I first played this game almost 2 years ago in the summer of 2005. I rented it from Blockbuster, and beat it within a couple days. Lately though, I've been getting the urge to play it again. So, I bought it used at Blockbuster for $14.99 about 2 weeks ago. I finished it again today after playing it for a couple weekdends since I can't play during the weekdays (too much homework), this time on one difficulty level up from last time. I highly recommend this game to any sqad-based shooter fan out there, or even if you're not a squad-based shooter fan, this is a great introduction to that genre. It's nothing short of a masterpiece. You can expect a review of it to be up sometime in the future.
Supreme Commander Demo
I downloaded this 2 weeks ago, and it was pretty amazing. Just the sheer scale of the battles is gigantic, and I only played the demo. Included were two missions. The first one took me about an hour and a half, and second one took me almost 3 hours. However, I don't think I'll be buying this game because the missions are just so big, and there are 24 of them, and I don't have that kind of time to devote to just one game. If you are really big on RTS though, definitely pick up this game.
Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars Demo
I downloaded this the same night that I did the Supreme Commander Demo. I was EXTREMELY impressed with this game. It does a bunch of stuff that all the new-age RTSs do, but yet it still feels like you're playing good ol' CnC. I'm definitely buying the game when it comes out, when I have enough money, and when I beat CnC and CnC2.
Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War Demo
Yep, I went on an all out RTS demo downloading spree that night. I really hated this demo. It seems too generic of an RTS for me to want to buy. I mean, the story and the gameplay just seemed way too.....dull. That's the only way I can describe it.
Okay dudes, that's it for now, take it easy!
More Games Beaten!
by Rocker500 on Comments
I got this game during the summer on sale at my local Blockbuster NEW for $3.75, so I said what the hell, why not. I just now beat it today, getting a Gold Star on every level, therefore receiving every medal in the game. I really enjoyed beating this game, it's really good. By far one of the best Medal of Honor games out there, so get it if you don't have it already.
The Thing
This game I bought 3 weeks ago, and beat it within a week. It's your pretty basic shooter, you got your regular arsenal of pistol, machine gun, shotgun, flamethrower, etc. It's loosely tied into the 80's horror film of the same name, but it's really not scary at all. At best, it's a mediocre Third Person Shooter, so the $4.99 I payed for it at Blockbuster was well worth the fun I had with it. So yeah, only get this game if you're bored and are looking to kill a weekend or something, cause there's really nothing out of the ordinary here.
That's it for now guys, take it easy.
Level 21!
by Rocker500 on Comments
I don't usually post blogs like this, I just thought I'd do one though since I've been close to this level for quite some time, and now I've finally achieved it. So yeah.
Speaking of the number 21, my brother's 21st birthday is on Sunday the 4th! The Superbowl! What a good day for him, lol, and what are the odds that it'd be on the superbowl, huh?
In honor of me reaching level 21, I decided I'd get a picture for my header! (The snare line of my favorite DCI Division 1 Drum Corps)
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