@P00DGE: Although I agree with your comment regarding that it is a bit of an overreaction to have your day ruined by something like this, I disagree with the last part. I do think companies fear the twitter mob, twitter is a tool that's widely available for almost anyone, it's a networking tool, a tool for propaganda and a tool for advertisement. Pretty much anyone can use it and many do, hell, you can even have bots use it and depending on how many people are agreeing on something, you it's likely to influence any narrative.
If for instance you release a product and it garners too much of a backlash, you'll have hundreds or thousands of people flocking in, trying to completely destroy the image of said product or company or person they dislike that is associated with that product, they'll throw accusations, insults and whatever they can, usually these people ARE a vocal minority no matter their side of the story left, right, conservative, liberal, pro or anti vaxxer and bla bla bla, doesn't matter; yet the thing is, as I said before, the tool is widely used by potentially pretty much anyone like potential customers who might not have initially any affiliation whatsoever with either side of what's going on, people who just wanted to find out about whether they want that product or not and now are confused and dragged into a whole mess they never wanted to be part of in the first place, some might even take sides eventually, but regardless of that, it's definitely affecting the chance of that product having more potential buyers.
I think it's been more than proved by now that not all advertisement is good advertisement. So I believe you are committing two big mistakes:
1 - Grossly overestimating the intelligence of people who makes those decisions based on profit, you just need to watch the drop in subscriptions from all major streaming providers recently, I don't know what they did wrong, but they obviously fucked up, that is far from maximizing profit.
2 - You underestimate the influence the masses have. Vox populli vox dei as they say.
@gunnyninja: I merely question if what you and what others see is really racism. You're very quick to point fingers. Racism is real and it's a terrible thing. Problem is those who are quick to label others racists, bigots, sexists and so on. I've seen a lot of innocent people lose everything because people are too quick to judge and condemn.
And no,. I'm not defending people who are full of hate, otherwise I wouldn't be opposed to your views. A view filled with hate and self rightousness, someone who is exactly that which you hate but is so deep within your own ideology that you never second guess your own bigotry.
@gunnyninja: I'm not trying to convince you. But those who read these comments, you're a zealot, not unlike those religious people who were so sure of their own rightousness as they burned others.
I've seen people, friends innocents who were unfairly judged and lost everything because of a lie, the world isn't as simple as you see it. I just hope other people, more open minded will read these comments and realize the world isn't black and white.
@gunnyninja: My argument was about people being too quick to judge people's characters based on scarce evidence, so my argument is the complete opposite of your misconception of it, it's not about both sides being nice, there are terrible people on both sides. And very easily the oppressed becomes the oppressor.
Also, if you are against dialogue, what solution do you suggest? Because cancel culture clearly isn't working and the way the political pendulum is swinging the woke movement will lose power quickly and then they'll be back at being oppressed to a degrees because they haven't made many allies, but lots of enemies. And the sad part is, it will happens because of the hateful, spiteful vocal minority of the woke movement, that acts exactly like the bigots and racists they hate.
@gunnyninja: It doesn't expose anything really, you don't know my sexuality, you don't know my skin color, my circle of friendship, my financial circumstances. What you have is a set of limited information upon which you seem to think exposes critical characteristic of who I am and that's the whole problem I have with the woke movement.
I do honestly believe there are amazing people that defend those causes, I know them and they have my full respect, but there others who are too judgmental and intolerant, who are exactly like that which they fight against, who gets behind a cause out of spite and hate, and through this guise of righteousness, ruins people, indiscriminately. These people ruined and tainted the word 'woke' for many, myself included.
I am willing to be viewed by others in a darker light because I know we can never please everyone and even an ideal can paint you as undesirable for others who aren't willing to compromise and accept we aren't all equal, we have different desires and opinions and views which will sometimes collide in fundamental ways. You can judge me if you will based on my words and how you perceive me, I would never take that right from you and would never take your words from you. It's healthy to have your very existence challenged, it's makes your convictions even stronger when you are able to build them on solid ground through conversation and debate, you may even shed your own misconceptions and have a better understanding of even your own morality. Which, I believe, is much better than censoring words I dislike how people use.
@gunnyninja: I do, but language is a living thing and words change their meaning with usage. Well, the usage of the word woke changed a lot. For example 'gay' once meant merry, now it's a sexual orientation.
You may dislike how some words are used, but that's all you can do actually. If a very vocal portion of the abused didn't end up behaving the same way as the abusers once they got a taste of power, maybe there would be an opening for dialogue. But human nature always shows it's true colors eventually. And very few people are willing to compromise.
RogerioFM's comments