Why do they always need sequels to every bloody film, the first film was a good film that ended without any questions needing to be answered, the good guys won, the bad tentacle monsters lost, no sequel required.
Unlikely the PS4 is still selling very well, once they announce the PS5 sales of the PS4 will drop sharply, and the PS5 will cost them more to produce so its bad business to change until the PS4 sales start to dip, most likely they will announce the PS5 in 2018 and release in 2019.
Cross play should happen, But wont happen, Neither Sony or Microsoft will change their ways unless its going to make them money, which it wont so they wont.
Same old games which most people don't care about anymore, Why not make Dragon's Dogma 2, with abit of extra polish from the original and it will sell well, or even port the original to the new systems, one of the few games Capcom has created something special and not a rehash and they leave it to die.
@darthrevenx: Its been around since 1700s in different forms, though your name is mud is from 1865 and Dr Mudd who fixed John Wilkes Booths leg after he assassinated Abraham Lincoln.
@barcaazul: HZD is still selling well but its only on one platform, so it can't compete with multiplats that have all had recent price reductions, and Zelda which gets a sales boost when ever more Switch stock arrives.
Runeweaver's comments