I'm thinking they might do a Vietnam game. That's one war that hasn't been fully exploited in video games. Black Ops 1 dove into it a little bit, DICE did Battlefield Vietnam and the BFBC2 Vietnam expansion. But other than that nothing else that was notable.
@tinoush: Was that Bloodborne? I only beat that once. I played through DS3 four times and you get to keep all your stuff effectively giving you a new chance at a different build and mastering weapons you skipped by on the last play through.
Am I the only one that's finding the game to be easier than Dark Souls 3 and Bloodborne?
Not sure if the game is actually easier or the fact that I NG+'d DS3 four times and the mechanics and experience carried over. I've only died once and it was because I backed myself into a corner in the middle of combat by accident and got wrecked by three dudes all at once lmao
@tinoush: Weird. I'm finding this game to be much easier than Bloodborne and DS3. I'm about 5 hours in and I've only died once I got myself stuck in a corner in the middle of battle lol
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