Why tho? Seriously, these are consoles. Specs were never meant to be their "thing". What this article SHOULD be discussing is the games and the state that they're in for each console. Not the specs.
@VakarianGirl: That's your opinion. I find it to be a lot of fun. Which oddly enough for me has been it's only saving grace because it doesn't feel like a proper Final Fantasy IMO.
Hey Microsoft! How about you start using all those resources to develop new exclusives instead of digging up games from the past?? Xbox fanboys rip on PS4 fanboys for remakes and remasters but they have more last gen games available now on their console of choice than the PS4 does. It's sad that a decent percentage of Xbox One owners are playing more old games than new ones because of a lack of the former.
I just bought my Xbox One S three months ago. Only games I've played on it was Halo 5, Sunset Overdrive and recently Lost Odyssey. The only games I don't already own on my PC mind you. Forza Horizon 3 and Gears 4 are great games but they're just not enough. I recently sold my One S because it's been an absolutely useless gaming machine.
Hopefully by the time Scorpio comes out Microsoft would have gotten their shit together. I mean, if you don't have enough exclusives to set your console apart from the competition how do you expect people to choose your console over the other??
Question; If the Switch is plugged into a micro USB cable, would it perform the same as if it were docked? I plan on playing this thing on the built in screen all the time. A 720p on a 6.2 inch screen the games will look MUCH better than on my 40" 4k Samsung TV. 237 PPI on the Switch screen vs 55 PPI on my big screen. I'd have to sit back about 12-15 feet for the picture to look good. My eyes ain't that good to see detail on a 40" that far away.
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