@wolfpup7: Oh I'm fine with 720p when portable. 720p on a 6.2" screen is a much much higher pixel density than 1080p upscaled to 4K on my 40" Samsung TV so it will look much better.
@rumulus: Okay.. what's your point? A lot of games wouldn't exist had they not debuted on prior gen consoles. That's kind of the way it works lol. Mario wouldn't be what it is today if it wasn't for Mario 64, yet the series has been out since the NES. Does that make the NES the best console? Not at all.
I get what you're saying, it just doesn't apply when it comes to how good a console and it's library is when the topic of best console is spoken about.
I'm excited for the Switch. Seems Nintendo learned their lesson with the Wii and are pushing their first party titles like they should have with the Wii right from the start. I just hope that the Switch will perform as it would "docked" if I'm just sitting in bed playing it while it's connected to a charger.
@martock1: Just because you don't have personal interest in most of the PS4's exclusives (which probably means you're biased to begin with..) doesn't mean they aren't there. And yes, exclusives have ALWAYS mattered. It's what sets one console apart from the other.
@ShimmeringSword: ... Please do not belittle me. I'm an IT Admin I KNOW what specifications are and how they contribute to a game. What YOU don't understand is that graphics aren't everything.
Some of the best looking games this generation were also the crappiest (Ryse anyone?) Graphics don't make a game fun, gameplay does. Graphics are just the icing on the cake and should be taken as so by developers. Developers like Crytek that make amazing looking games that end up being subpar because the gameplay just isn't there. Especially on consoles where power reserves are limited. As far as those people that chose a console because of specs; if that's the case why didn't they just build a PC??
Buying a console because of specs is outright asinine. Just ask all the people that bought Nintendo 64s over a PS1 back in the day. Not to say that the 64 was bad; it had a bunch of great games but the PS1's massive library destroyed the N64. Specs didn't help it catch up in that regard whatsoever.
Hopefully you learned something from my reply. Mind you PC is my preferred platform. I have a gaming rig that wipes the floor with both consoles.
@almatha: That is absolutely incorrect. There's a little thing called frame times which frame rate directly impacts. Is 60 FPS necessary for games like this? Not at all. 30 FPS is fine if it's rock solid and you're okay with motion blur and a bit of input lag. But don't sit here and say it's overrated. You know damn well you'd pick 60 over 30 if give the choice.
Rushaoz's comments