@puukusa I would normally agree but this is SOE we are talking about. Final stage for SOE is usually right after the stage of "We don't know how to fix your servers, lets wait until we have a great exodus of player population."
Why does every subscription mmo persist to be more than $10 a month? Everyone is dabbling in f2p why not make a subscription that was $5 or $7 a month and make it more impulsive?
You can give your games for a $1 in the humble bundle, you can add in a full refund within 24 hours; I will still not sign up for Origins. Hurry it up and go out of business EA.
@freedom01 I like doing the import stuff but sometimes its simply not worth importing stuff $70-$80. I don't live in Australia here. Also I don't think its worth importing Idolms@ster or Deathsmiles for that price either.
@clynch0527 @SDBusDriver1979 Microsoft not caring for the consumer is a given but I was never given an impression that Sony cared about the consumer either. They seemed more interested in doing their own thing than release something that was good. Everyone who tried a PSP Go out before it was released said it was a bad idea, consumers said it was a bad idea, journalist said it was a bad idea, and so did their share holders but Sony released it anyways and they never bothered trying to make it compelling which the same all can be said for the Vita. Sony has a history of releasing faulty hardware and was sued over it too. I hate both of these companies and would like nothing more than for both to drop out of making consoles cause who knows we might have another Dreamcast or TurboGrafx which would be fine with me.
@clynch0527 @SDBusDriver1979 With everything that Microsoft has done has only showed me that they valve money over DRM. They just want your money and that makes them really easy to understand how they operate. Microsoft is the appeasing manager at a Walmart that will do a return even if it goes against policy. Why? Because they want you to continue being their customer. Sony on the other hand is run by crazy people making them hard to predict. The PSP Go is the poster children for this claim. They make some good moves, makes some bad moves which end good, and they will install root kits on your computer and steal information and make your computer vulnerable. Neither company is evil, neither are good; makes me have zero loyalty to either brand.
@clynch0527 @SDBusDriver1979 Its great that you are excited for the PS4. I'm looking at each of these consoles and thinking which I want to invest in their ecosystem. Right now I still think Sony has made a better case but the lack any exclusives that interest me and I had nothing but the worst experiences with playstation makes me indecisive.
@clynch0527 I'm more understanding on why the PS4 isn't compatible with the PS3 due to overly and unnecessary complicated hardware, one of Sony's specialties. PowerPC emulators have been around for a long time and is easy to work with which is why I'm bitter on the Xbox. I am not going to put in a lot of faith in gaikai primarily because I have had nothing but terrible experiences when it comes to Sony and online but hopefully it turns out well. Microsoft did a excellent job on getting me invested and for good reason so in xbox live and xbox arcade only to dump support when next consoles hit.
Yeah well they wouldn't have to worry about this sort of thing if they bothered to make the Xbone backwards compatible with the 360. All of their policies reversals, the one thing that is stopping me from cancelling my PS4 reserve is backwards compatibility. I don't think I was ever as offended at a single statement as "If you're backwards compatible, you're really backwards." Microsoft of all companies should know the valve of supporting legacy, what a joke this is. Sorry Microsoft I ain't investing in you again nor Sony and its sad that I have to use Steam at this point.
SDBusDriver1979's comments