Another example of why not to piss of the people who are giving you money. If you insult your buyers and insult other developers one should prepare the same rebuttal come back to you. Fish you will not be missed.
@GONtheSKYLORD @SDBusDriver1979 Its not about space, its just annoying. Like getting a new laptop that is cluttered with a bunch of stuff you don't want.
Sony already announcing the system will ship with crapware to clutter up space. Should just offer it on the PSN store for free to sensitize users to connect to online and give it a go. This is the type of program that you use once and never again so why ship it with every console?
Dennis Dyack is the chief creative officer at precursor. Even if Dyack has on a different team, anything publicity whether its good or bad that is remotely related to him is going to hurt because of bad press he has built up. I think he wants nothing less but to be anonymous at precursor with his more humble attitude in interviews at E3.
SDBusDriver1979's comments