SHO_ONE's forum posts
Whoa... Whoa.... So I come back to this shit..... First of all who gives a flying !@#$ whether I paid for it or not, secondly if your not interested why troll my post? If your interested and feel it isn't an even trade then lets work something out.... or continue being duche bags and trolls my post and feel better about yourselves since you get to flex your PC gaming intellect over an apparent noob.... I said as much, some community you here at GameSpot.... Thanks for the mature responces.
I have a digital copy of X-Com I'd like to trade for a copy of Company of Hero's 2. I understand the game isn't out yet, I'm looking for a preorder code for steam. I've never traded before, please be gentle :)Â
Yeah, I figured, but there's always the chance that someone doesn't... Like I didn't till recently as I just built my pc... in anycase... trade? :P
I have a code for a copy of Crysis 1 for the PC (obviously) and wanted to see if anyone was interested in trading me for a copy of Max Payne 3. Max payne 3 is currently on sale for $13.99 on Steam. I haven't posted to Game Spot in a log while and so if this is not the right place to post this sort of thread I apologize and ask the moderators to please move if need be... If your willing to trade however, please do simply PM me and we can go from there thank you.Â
As most of you have already done, I have bought Crysis 3 and with that received a code for Crysis 1. I'd like to trade with someone. It's $20 on Origin right now, but the trade doesn't have to be even... If the trade is mutually beneficial for both of us I'm good with it! Thanks.
I like most of you out there interested in END WAR decided to pre-order it from GameStop and little did I know that since I did all I needed to do to become apart of the beta testing was to a.Pre-Order the game by AUG. 31st I think it was (CHECK) and b. go to and fill out the registration form on there site (CHECK) now it would seem we play the waiting game... Does anyone know when it's coming out or whats going on with it in general? Thanks!
Turok, and it rocks.Nearly slit my wrist getting past that damn Spider Tank though:evil: Wanting to continue with Splinter Cell 4, but after it didnt save after the first mission, ive been giving it the silent treatment. Besides, my fingers get confused when i mix games.:PcozmonoSo you liked Turok, I honestly thought that the game could have been done better, the graphics alone looked like last gen, but to each there own I guess!
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