I personally like AOT, by the end of the night tonight I'll have played through it 3 times, and the multiplayer is also ok. I give it a 8 / 10
Graphics: (8.5/10) are good and the cut scene's are excellent, the attention to detail is there and helps bring the characters to life. Both in Game and CGI cut-scens are excellent, I'm remembering a scene with F-16 and both my brother and I thought the planes and action was awesome.
Sound : 8/10 The humor is actually funny, voice acting was done well and because of this I actually wanted to watch the cut scenes. It never became to repetive, un-like Area 51, were the charecters around you basicly had 4 lines in there vocabulary and it was made painfully obvious!
Controls: 7.75 / 10 The controls were simple sometimes a little to simple, but effective; however there were times I wished I could ask the A.I partner to preform a task and there was no such method in the interface. I thought the cover system worked well most of the time, but there was that occasional hick`up when you'd try and duck and cover and the reticule would have you shooting the wall next to you.
Game-Play: 7.75 / 10 The games mechanics and enemy A.I seemed decent enough that a game played on the professional setting had you and your partner actually discussing aggro, and technique! The Achievements worked out as well and didn't feel misplaced and honestly hunting for them was welcoming! The EA Server would crash at the wrong time leaving you to start entire missions from the beginning simply because you dropped right at the end of the level but didn't quite hit the check point. Would have been nice to have more check points to alleviate all the re-doing!
Over all, I loved playing this game, wish it was army of 4 so I didn't have to pick and chose who I had to play with. I've decided that this game is an excellent game and an 8/10 is fitting due to some of it's flaws and the length of the campaign and A.I issues. I've personally decided that this games going to be traded in for Dark Sector when that comes out, I think it's play value will be gone by then!
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