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Member since 2007 • 101 Posts

I personally like AOT, by the end of the night tonight I'll have played through it 3 times, and the multiplayer is also ok. I give it a 8 / 10

Graphics: (8.5/10) are good and the cut scene's are excellent, the attention to detail is there and helps bring the characters to life. Both in Game and CGI cut-scens are excellent, I'm remembering a scene with F-16 and both my brother and I thought the planes and action was awesome.

Sound : 8/10 The humor is actually funny, voice acting was done well and because of this I actually wanted to watch the cut scenes. It never became to repetive, un-like Area 51, were the charecters around you basicly had 4 lines in there vocabulary and it was made painfully obvious!

Controls: 7.75 / 10 The controls were simple sometimes a little to simple, but effective; however there were times I wished I could ask the A.I partner to preform a task and there was no such method in the interface. I thought the cover system worked well most of the time, but there was that occasional hick`up when you'd try and duck and cover and the reticule would have you shooting the wall next to you.

Game-Play: 7.75 / 10 The games mechanics and enemy A.I seemed decent enough that a game played on the professional setting had you and your partner actually discussing aggro, and technique! The Achievements worked out as well and didn't feel misplaced and honestly hunting for them was welcoming! The EA Server would crash at the wrong time leaving you to start entire missions from the beginning simply because you dropped right at the end of the level but didn't quite hit the check point. Would have been nice to have more check points to alleviate all the re-doing!

Over all, I loved playing this game, wish it was army of 4 so I didn't have to pick and chose who I had to play with. I've decided that this game is an excellent game and an 8/10 is fitting due to some of it's flaws and the length of the campaign and A.I issues. I've personally decided that this games going to be traded in for Dark Sector when that comes out, I think it's play value will be gone by then!

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Member since 2007 • 101 Posts
Should I get rid of my PS3?!?! The why: there is nothing I want to play on the PS3, I like the idea of achievment points, PSN just doesn't have what I need and WHERE IS HOME!!!!! I'm only holding on to my PS3 because I'm convinced that as soon as I get rid of my PS3 I'll kick myself for getting rid of it cause that's when it'll be worth having, for the obvios reasons: Games on the system will be worth haveing and the PSN wont suck!
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this is a question for xbox 360 owner to ps3 owners!? was it worth it!! i was thinking about tranfering my 360 and trading it in for a ps3!!! should i do it!1357

Personally I would have to say no! I'm in a similar situation, well kinda... I have both systems and I can't get enough of my 360 the games and graphics are both there and your gonna kick yourself when GOW2 comes out. When I say I'm in a similar situation I'm gonna start a topic: Should I get rid of my PS3, why there is nothing I want to play on the system and WHERE IS HOME!!!!! I'm only holding on to my PS3 because I'm convinced it'll be here soon and I'll kick myself for getting rid of it and that's when it'll be worth having! So my opinion is NO, DO NOT DO IT SIR!

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I've played all 3 Halo games and honestly am not a fan-boy when it comes to Halo. Honestly, I don't see the big to do with the game. It's a FPS, Halo 2 was so riddled with stand by's and super jumps not only did it aid in my dis-like of the game but the series! When Halo 3 came out, I played it and enjoyed it. I honestly will go as far as to say that it's this new gen, the graphics play a real part in the games I play! I beat the game on Legendary, assimilated as many achievements as I could and traded it in two to three weeks later! I still however, have GOW1 and it you check my recent games played It should be GOW!

As far as, do I think GOW2 will blow HALO3 out of the water, it will give Halo 3's number a considerable blow the first day / weekend and you could say it wont win that initial battle; however as time goes on, I do believe that GOW2 will win the preverbal war as far as units sold / monies made in the long run!

edit made to a typo*

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I too gave M$ my CC and I buy my MS PTS.through XBL. I think they have a better selection of point - dollar ratio!

Best Buy:$19.99 for 1600 pts.

XBL:$25 for 2000 pts. Just my preferance, still breaks down to .0125 cents per point! -> [Don't Judge me!]

:D I don't however use it to update my XBL, I was fortunate enough to get a 12+1 mo. subscription this year again so for my 100 dollars in the last 2 years I've received 2 free months! Might not sound like allot but in my book every moment counts and if I don't have to hit the store in 09' till April in stead of February that's all the better for me

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I think it's an great system, but I really don't want to pay for online when it's free for Wii (which I have) and the PS3 (Also considering)angelwolf1

:) My friend, I know you don't want to pay for it, that does kinda suck, but when you look at it as 4 bucks a month it doesn't sound that ridiculous any more! The Wii has no voice chat and the PS3's PSN is Lack Luster to say the Least! I was in the same predicament you were in. I had a computer that needed to be replaced, it was getting too old and could last maybe another year and I also was looking for a gaming system. I asked around and first of my whole family had bought the 360 and they play it on-line and love it. One of my cousin however bought a PS3 and said he kinda liked it till he visited another cousin that had a 360 with XBL! Took his PS3 back and picked up a 360! My dilemma was Do I get a console or a PC.... Well I went with the 360, I tested one out at my local Best-Buy, you can check out my blog if you want to know the story on that, and I couldn't be happier. Later that year I bought a Wii for my kids and they love it the on-line sticks really there isn't any games worth mentioning on that system except you obvious mario or metroid remakes. I bought a PS3 around Christmas for myself and thought now I could see what this whole PS3 was really about! I can't return it anymore and it makes a lovly Blue-Ray player. The PSn,... which is free.... lets say theres a reason! Dude do yourself a favor and test both consoles out first! It took me honestly 2 months of research till I was convinced enough what my choice would be and that worked for me!

My Console Stereo Type

360 - THE TRUE GAMERS MACHINE, yes I said games not movies

PS3- The Media Machine, this system is sold all over and the demonstraion is always Blue-Ray movies not its games

Wii- The little Engine that's kick'n tail and taken names, Reminds me of the Arcade, Quick plays nothing you can't walk away form!

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:question:I've only really been on these forums a short while. I had a friend tell me that PS3 fans are called COWS and 360 fans are labeled Lemmings as with Nintendo they're Sheep. Where did these terms come from? It would seem like an odd group of nick names to give fan boys? How long have these nick names been around, who started the nick names and so on!?!?!
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Member since 2007 • 101 Posts
The games created will continue to funnel towards similar remakes, simply because there is a.) very little to no originality left in the world and b.) we as consumers don't want to spend 60 bucks on a game then find that it just sucks! Seriously, I don't see people, especially now a days not doing some sort of research before they buy there games! As a matter of my opinion the reason we see the same'ol crap over and over is because no one wants to take a chance. The DEV's don't want to take a chance creating something that just wont sell and gamers don't chance there precious Mullah!
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Actually there is a program out there that will get it to work, I don't remember the name, but I was able to use my 360 controller for my neo geo and snes rom's. But that was for Win XP and honestly my system started to act funny since I had installed it! I remember it was simply a matter of downloading the correct drivers and your set! Wish I could be more help. Again my controllers worked on Win XP.
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Member since 2007 • 101 Posts

Can't chose..seriusly, it's not possible.

Getting both anyway:)


Dude this is like asking your children, well ok Timmy, I know you love both of us, but who do you love more. You simply don't ask that :roll: ! Will be getting both anyway as well! Both have unique game play experiences to offer and honestly started playing the first Gears to a.) help my brother finish the campaign and b.) in anticipation of the 2nd! I don't see any one of them letting me down. However I'll play your game sir! If I had to choose I'd go with GOW2 simply because the first is giving me reply by letting me complete the campaign again with a friend and has a decent on-line Vs. Mode that could keep me occupied for some time! NG2 would unfortunately have to wait till next year!