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[QUOTE="Funkyhamster"]Hmm... I just realized; if GeoW is on a two-year cycle, does that mean that GeoW3 will still be on the 360? Because I'd expect Microsoft to use it with their next-generation Xbox console ala Halo 3...PBSnipes
I suppose it depends on MS's plans for the future. If MS is on a roll and is kicking Sony's ass then I would definitely expect Gears 3 to find its way to the 360. But if MS is in a distant 3rd or if they think its time for a new platform it (along with Halo "4" and possibly installments in the Too Human and Mass Effect trilogies) could be moved to the Xbox 3 in the hopes of creating a launch lineup that rivals most consoles entire library.

I was under the impression that most console last 5-7 years. I haven't done any research on this but from an opinion stand point, it would really suck if a new system comes out sooner then later!

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The games going to be fun, but I still dont think its enough of an improvement over the original. black_awpN1

Dude, excellent sig, funny! However, I've gotta say Vegas2 isn't going to show much improvement over it's counter part, NG2 is going to surpass it's predecessor and again be the beacon it once was on the original xbox!

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How come you're a 'Halo Player' if you don't own an Xbox or an Xbox 360?

Edit: And according to your blog, you actually own a 360 :?


Ok my (late) game of the year for 07 is..........

Call of duty 4. It is the best game i played in 07 both in the pc and 360(my friend's) and i enjoyed the 360 version more (You say you enjoyed the 360 version better, do yourself a favor and don't go against your instinct).I also played bioshock and assasin's creed and bioshock comes as a close second and assasin's creed sucks. Cod4 should've been goty for 2007, though SMG is a great competitor. I can't wait for COD5 and i feel the franchise is a breath of fresh air for the FPS genre, go call of duty

:roll: This is the mans BLOG, he stats its his friends and that he enjoys the 360. I own both systems and honestly love my 360 and have high hopes for my PS3. I want it to do good and get a better library and actually have an on-line system that's worth a damn! You say you like FPS, the best this about FPS is being able to play them on-line against your friends and the 360 gives you that experience. The PS3 Lack Luster PSN is free and the system looks cool and since I own both and prefer to play 360 on-line because I love its easy I simply use my PS3 as a blu-ray player at the moment! If you buy a PS3 and go against your gut..... Well I think your gonna be kick'n yourself everyday because you knew better!

Edit: Color change from blue to Orange

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I am anti-360 and pro-PS3, but my reasons are very sound. I even put my money where my mouth is. Remember momentum is about change.


You can't have your cake and eat it man...

IF you don't like the 360 then I'm sure even at the 360s best you'll still find a problem with it.

Do you even have a reason for not liking the 360 (And no I don't mean posting someone elses problems with the 360)

If your Pro-Sony that's cool but being Anti-any system makes you that less of a Pro-gamer.

Amen brother.... I honestly do not see the reason behind These console wars anymore! I remember a time mid 90's when there were like 10 different systems or system mods, Sega at the time seemed to have a system out every year and the CDi or 3DO and the Amiga and so on! Back then I could see these debates having merit, simply because these systems were crap.. The PS1 launched a few months after the 3DO and for less than half the price, while all these systems were dying left and right Sony got it right and rose out of there ashes, Thank God for Sony! Before Sony's PS1 there was Nintendo, whitout these guys there would be nothing, no discussion about which console is the best or wost they saved the industy. The NES was a long shot, people were sick of the atari crap, thousands of games spewed out and the systems before Nintendo had nothing reputable to play. Nintendo and there seal of approval- you guys remember that Nintendo made dev's think and create for us quality not quantity, Lastly Microsoft, took what they new about PC gaming and hardware and software, there knowledge of creating OS's and On-line and created the 360. FOR Microsoft's first try at the industry it gave gamers something new 1. an new system to enjoy 2. new exclusives 3. the best on-line play you could ever get and thats what the 360 did. It took what Nintendo and Sony was doing and up'ed the ante. Each Console has given gamers a chance to be gamers. For all you 1 system fanboys out there... real gamers don't was there time battleing out which system is better, they hope that the system that isn't in there favor at the time works on it and fixes the issues for the next time. I personally was a Nintendo guy, never a Sega guy but I could appreciate them, a PlayStation guy not a Nintendo 64 guy and a XBOX guy and a PS guy... This Gen its 360 for keeping the momentum going as nogginkl writes, keeping gaming fun and exciting. I'm pulling for you Sony hope you "Home" gets here soon and I will check it out as soon as it gets here! Quite the hate'n

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Live is only $50 dollars a year and you guys act like its $50 a month or sumthing.You pay $50 one time and wont have to worry about paying for a a whole year.I mean whats $50 a year???I mean i wish it was free too just like i wish everything in this word is free but $50 a year isnt bad at all.Like i said before i would rather pay $200 a year to use XBL then to only be able to use PSN for online gaming.


I hear what your saying, I just bought my 1st renewal. The first one cost me 50 bucks and it was for 13 months again I paid 50 bucks and its for 13 months. Do you understand that this breaks down to just under $4 a month. I'm sure there's enough of us out there that spend 4 bucks or more on less interesting/important things a month and don't even think about it. 4 dollars for a cup of coffee from Starbucks, when McDonald's coffee is $2. Hell buy coffee and brew it at home and it'll cost you 5 bucks a month instead of 2 bucks a day! I have know people to do that 2 bucks a day on coffee... I honestly wouldn't mind if PSN charged.. If they got there heads out of the sand and made the PSN memorable and practical like XBL I would start using it... Of course once the games started coming out :P

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People should not worry about some so-called "console-war". To me, it doesn't matter what the general concensus says in sales numbers. Thats not what I used for reference when purchasing a new system. The 'best' console does not need to be the one winning the "popularity contest."ThisCurse

I agree with you, I too don't care one way or another! I wish the PS3 would start charging for there on-line and use that money to up there on-line experience or put it towards the games they want to create! I do however care there's a war, simply because as long as we care they'll care to bring quality! Competition is what drives us and a virtual war is fine by me if it drives the futures of these systems. Just look at the 3DO back in the day. On Launch day the 3DO was $700 who's gonna pay that kind of money. It was, what the PS3 is trying to be today, the only difference is that the PS3 has a solid name and a fan base! The 3DO failed because they charged too much and the PS1, which launched a few months later popped out at $299! The 3DO was banking on 2d graphics and was sporting a Superior 32 bit system and the PS1 demolished it with its 16 bit system at half the cost and did this also because 3D graphics were being introduced as the next wave and as we know, it's become the future! There may not have been a war then; however the PS1, I think owes part of it's success to the 3DO and even the Saga Saturn because people were not spending 700 bucks on an unproven system and Saga Saturn was just horrible. Sony Lived because Panasonics 3DO and the Saga Saturn Died! Just doing a little research on this topic I stumbled on: Not the most informative site but informative non-the-less!

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I own all three systems and know that each has it's value! My 360 is the gaming machine, my Wii is a fun filled arcade system of sorts I can just walk away from it and not get to immersed into any game I'm play'n and finally my PS3 is really my blu-ray player! My opinion is that I want each system to learn from each other and not make the same mistakes again. True competition is what will drive the next gen consoles even further! I would pay PS3 a fixed fee to fix there on-line so that its worth getting on. So what if It's free, if it sucks. 360, RRODcan't find your next system, but we appreciate you at-least taking a loss to help fix your mess! Nintendo, whats to say.... your still the little sibling of the consoles, add some real on-line play. Again this is simply my opinion and I want to know yours! LETS HAVE IT!
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Bestbuy in Lake Zurik, IL. Said the same thing about the Elite and Pro, but they did however have like 6 in stock without hard-drives! Which was good because my little brothers 360 was broken and no it wasn't system related, it was little brother related! Thank God for the Bestbuy PRP! I honestly want the PS3 to do better! I want the competition to be thick! I want it so close that the fact I own both will actually make me feel better, but alas my PS3 is a Blu-ray player that happens to me a gaming console as well and my 360 is the unmatched king of consoles..... This Gen!

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Honestly with today's games the Analog controller allows for more! the Key board mouse concept is great but just remember there's only 4 buttons on a mouse and so many you can key to a key board with out over complicating the game play! I vote Analog equal to if not slightly better then the Keyboard + Mouse Theory.....Think about It!