I am anti-360 and pro-PS3, but my reasons are very sound. I even put my money where my mouth is. Remember momentum is about change.
You can't have your cake and eat it man...
IF you don't like the 360 then I'm sure even at the 360s best you'll still find a problem with it.
Do you even have a reason for not liking the 360 (And no I don't mean posting someone elses problems with the 360)
If your Pro-Sony that's cool but being Anti-any system makes you that less of a Pro-gamer.
Amen brother.... I honestly do not see the reason behind These console wars anymore! I remember a time mid 90's when there were like 10 different systems or system mods, Sega at the time seemed to have a system out every year and the CDi or 3DO and the Amiga and so on! Back then I could see these debates having merit, simply because these systems were crap.. The PS1 launched a few months after the 3DO and for less than half the price, while all these systems were dying left and right Sony got it right and rose out of there ashes, Thank God for Sony! Before Sony's PS1 there was Nintendo, whitout these guys there would be nothing, no discussion about which console is the best or wost they saved the industy. The NES was a long shot, people were sick of the atari crap, thousands of games spewed out and the systems before Nintendo had nothing reputable to play. Nintendo and there seal of approval- you guys remember that Nintendo made dev's think and create for us quality not quantity, Lastly Microsoft, took what they new about PC gaming and hardware and software, there knowledge of creating OS's and On-line and created the 360. FOR Microsoft's first try at the industry it gave gamers something new 1. an new system to enjoy 2. new exclusives 3. the best on-line play you could ever get and thats what the 360 did. It took what Nintendo and Sony was doing and up'ed the ante. Each Console has given gamers a chance to be gamers. For all you 1 system fanboys out there... real gamers don't was there time battleing out which system is better, they hope that the system that isn't in there favor at the time works on it and fixes the issues for the next time. I personally was a Nintendo guy, never a Sega guy but I could appreciate them, a PlayStation guy not a Nintendo 64 guy and a XBOX guy and a PS guy... This Gen its 360 for keeping the momentum going as nogginkl writes, keeping gaming fun and exciting. I'm pulling for you Sony hope you "Home" gets here soon and I will check it out as soon as it gets here! Quite the hate'n
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