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PS3 - Blu-ray player, no real on-line functionality I could have sworn that I was playing Motorstorm on line the other day, so what exactly do you consider "real online functionality"? (PS3 Home to come I guess, currently leaves all PS3 owners Homeless), Chat must be done on there dash board. To speak to anyone in game you have to stop playing, push a buttom on the controller and speak, then commence with the game play... oh lets not forget to connect the blutooth headset, then pair it to console before it can be used and if in a chat make sure the mic is set to "OFF" in order for it to be "ON" - LAME!

360 - HD Player It can play HD movies that are downloaded but it has no built in HD player...unlike the PS3...also the ps3 can play downloaded hd content, on-line is excellent (XBL, has been here and grown vastly in the last 5 years) it's a system that get's you were you want to go. Demo's to Arcade, Chat/video chat or Game and chat can all be done easily with a push of a button!


Not saying you can't play PS3 on line, just why would you want to if you have to go through such a hassle, secondly, it isn't built in but has an add on. Furthermore, I explained myself about functionality:

360: Chat in game, Chat out of game, Chat period! Send Messages, Download Demos, rent Movies, Catch up on tv shows you missed, an Arcade system, ( That home will have when it gets here I guess)

PS3: NO Chat Period, unless you like jumping through hoops Fido!

And one game that you think you played on line the other night doesn't compare to how many the 360 has. I on my 360 can get on line with in a matter of seconds and feel satisfied by how many options there are on the 360 and feel like I know what I'm doing from the start. The PS3 leaves much to be desired in dept.

Virtual Fighter 5 and Virtual Tennis have no on-line game play on PS3 where on the 360 it's all there. Before you get off to asking why and who cares about those games, that list is a very short list of many others the PS3 just doesn't provide any REAL ON LINE FUNCTIONALITY for!

360 Hands down is the system to own if you want to play on-line. More On-Line options that work

the PS3 is the system to go with if you like blu-ray Movies oh and it happens to be a gaming system as well.

Boils down to this 360 is for the serious gamer that wants to get on and play, the PS3 heard is't fans complain it doesn't have an award system and such so now you guys are gonna get home-> seriously, do you need to have idiots virtually dancing in you virtual house. Or do you want to simply play you games and share your score with friends and so on! Misery Loves Company. I know you bought your PS3 don't cry to me now that your stuck with it!

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I think M$ is having more problems other than the 360 because Yahoo turned there offer down yesterday. And Vista is being a flop in a big way (there were some adds the other day that had Vista in a clearence sale at some local electronics retailers). The RROD is now common knowledge with most people and many are now just shying away from the system. The moneies they have used to get exclusive content on the mutiplats is not panning out very well, because after the game is released these developers are just not working with M$ afterwards as much.jimm895

Just adding my two cents, but ah.. do you think this has anything to do with XBL being down for as long as it was?

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PS3 - Blu-ray player, no real on-line functionality(PS3 Home to come I guess, currently leaves all PS3 owners Homeless), Chat must be done on there dash board. To speak to anyone in game you have to stop playing, push a buttom on the controller and speak, then commence with the game play... oh lets not forget to connect the blutooth headset, then pair it to console before it can be used and if in a chat make sure the mic is set to "OFF" in order for it to be "ON" - LAME!

360 - HD Player, on-line is excellent (XBL, has been here and grown vastly in the last 5 years) it's a system that get's you were you want to go. Demo's to Arcade, Chat/video chat or Game and chat can all be done easily with a push of a button!

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You do realise that the first pic was of Mass Effect! So you're saying that GoW is Fugly then. Fanboy = You.


I see one picture, the other is X-ed out on my end. The bottom picture is GoW. I played GoW before and I know it doesn't look that bad but still not as vibrant as Uncharted! Moderation in 3-2-1 for you!

I own both and still like the look of GoW better. If you know that "it doesn't look that bad" then why would you call it "fugly"? Were you just being a Sony Fanboy? Do you even give other consoles a chance? The reality is that last gen I played my PS2 more than anything and this gen I play the 360 more than my PS3, because the games are better on those consoles! The point is, I'm not playing favorites like most people do. I play the games I like and don't say a game is "Fugly" in one post then say "I know it doesn't look that bad" in another post. Do us all a favour and get you story together before posting please.

Amen brother... I mostly agree with you.... I did play my PS2 more than my xbox, just because there were more games I wanted to play on my PS2; however my xbox had games like Ninja Gaiden that couldn't be passed up. My Liking or disliking of one system over the next isnt because one's graphics are better then the other.. well not really, but for the simple back that the PS3 feels foreign to me. Seriously the xbox, has grown and matured. The controller feels right in my hand, XBL is Dy-no-mite! The PS3 is the same crap it was just stronger. I thought it would have done something with is't on-line features. Instead, it leaves me feeling awkward trying to use it. It's had to manage friends on-line, it's bs trying to chat in the game. Can't be in a game and private chat another buddy just because you want to.... No it all has to be done in the dashboard, or what ever it's called. Whens Home coming out. I thought it was suppose to be this month? I gotta look it up, thought it would be the fix PS3 needed!

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PS3 has better graphics. Ratchet and Clank, Uncharted, and Unreal Tournament 3 are all superior to anything on X360.EmperorSupreme

What you actually think Uncharted, a game that borrows from Gears of war and Tomb raider, has better graphics. The PS3's graphics are all vector graphics, in other words mathematically done, that's why you see the ridged lines in every game. The graphics don't fool anyone seriously. The 360 graphics are pixel art, in other words art!! The graphics in the same game always looks better, cleaner on a 360 then a ps3. I own both system and honestly use my PS3 as either a coaster for my 360 games or a blu-ray player. If in a fight any one would complain it would be the PS3... Oh I can change.. I'll add home.. oh..oh and an award system just like 360, don't leave, no no, don't leave. I may not rumble, but.. but I have 6 axis...What the hell is 6 Axis. Come on. The PS3 is like Frankenstein. A little 360 with a dash of Wii... and vwall'lah. We have a black sleek POS that barely has the brains to incorporate the Wii's tech to its short list of games and an Award system to track points now?!?!... (When ever that's comes out) The PS3 has its purposes, but the champ of graphics and gameing alike, I think not. It lives in the shadows, in hopes of not being found of its faults. All PS3 fan boys shun anything else because you realized you spent the money and as they say Misery Loves company!

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I own all the systems and still will buy it for my 360. I prefer the controller the system etc. The Playstation right now is a over powered blu-ray player. If a game comes out that is worth the 60 price tag and is exclusive for the ps3 then I'll think about the ps3. Honestly, I have the best buy warranty it'll let me trade my PS3 in and use the money towards something else.. I'm waiting on home to fix the chat features and awards system. Call it what you will, but one of the reasons I love my 360 is because of the achievement system.
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If you cant find it you could call xbox support at 1800 4my-xbox and see if they can help you recover it!
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[QUOTE="kingamez"]I believe in evolution. *hides from incoming lightening bolts from god*kingamez

FYI....evolution doesn't disprove God. I don't know why so many atheists assume it does.

If you believe in evolution then you don't believe in the fact that God created life.

Evolution is mans way of saying this is what I think is going on, I believe in God and that we were created in his image. Not some crap flinging ape that scratches and sniffs his own arse! Furthermore, Atheists are nothing more than people that have had bad things happen and can't grasp why! So they blame God! It's the ultimate, I hate my daddy complex!

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MP means multiplayer right they made MP Demo!!!?!?!?!? man i loved this game sinc ei herd of it man i gotta download the demo now!!!! i going going going! to downlaod now!Halo3_RBS

Yes... MP stands for MultiPlayer!

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I downloaded and played the Demo and felt it was missing something... Ambient sound... There were no sounds of war around me. Honestly, I felt like I was playing a PS3 game on-line. The chat function was weird and the game itself felt foreign. I really want to like this game and so on.. Anyone have a better experience and want to share. Or do you just hate the game period and wished it never was conceived? Either way would like to hear your thoughts!