[QUOTE="SHO_ONE"]PS3 - Blu-ray player, no real on-line functionality I could have sworn that I was playing Motorstorm on line the other day, so what exactly do you consider "real online functionality"? (PS3 Home to come I guess, currently leaves all PS3 owners Homeless), Chat must be done on there dash board. To speak to anyone in game you have to stop playing, push a buttom on the controller and speak, then commence with the game play... oh lets not forget to connect the blutooth headset, then pair it to console before it can be used and if in a chat make sure the mic is set to "OFF" in order for it to be "ON" - LAME!
360 - HD Player It can play HD movies that are downloaded but it has no built in HD player...unlike the PS3...also the ps3 can play downloaded hd content, on-line is excellent (XBL, has been here and grown vastly in the last 5 years) it's a system that get's you were you want to go. Demo's to Arcade, Chat/video chat or Game and chat can all be done easily with a push of a button!
Not saying you can't play PS3 on line, just why would you want to if you have to go through such a hassle, secondly, it isn't built in but has an add on. Furthermore, I explained myself about functionality:
360: Chat in game, Chat out of game, Chat period! Send Messages, Download Demos, rent Movies, Catch up on tv shows you missed, an Arcade system, ( That home will have when it gets here I guess)
PS3: NO Chat Period, unless you like jumping through hoops Fido!
And one game that you think you played on line the other night doesn't compare to how many the 360 has. I on my 360 can get on line with in a matter of seconds and feel satisfied by how many options there are on the 360 and feel like I know what I'm doing from the start. The PS3 leaves much to be desired in dept.
Virtual Fighter 5 and Virtual Tennis have no on-line game play on PS3 where on the 360 it's all there. Before you get off to asking why and who cares about those games, that list is a very short list of many others the PS3 just doesn't provide any REAL ON LINE FUNCTIONALITY for!
360 Hands down is the system to own if you want to play on-line. More On-Line options that work
the PS3 is the system to go with if you like blu-ray Movies oh and it happens to be a gaming system as well.
Boils down to this 360 is for the serious gamer that wants to get on and play, the PS3 heard is't fans complain it doesn't have an award system and such so now you guys are gonna get home-> seriously, do you need to have idiots virtually dancing in you virtual house. Or do you want to simply play you games and share your score with friends and so on! Misery Loves Company. I know you bought your PS3 don't cry to me now that your stuck with it!
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