AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just got XBL and man do i love it! After buying the Wireless Networking Adapter and having it not be compatible with our router, I was so bummed out. But then, we got a 50 foot ethernet cable, and a Netgear router, and I love it!!! Our netgear router even detects the 360 on our network map!!!! (Like it shows it's connected to our network) THIS IS SO AWESOME!!!!!!!1
NOW, don't even get me STARTED on CoD4. BEST GAME I'VE EVER PLAYED. I LOVE the multiplayer. Domination=Mini CTF. I love it. I was kind of worried that one build/class would be better over others, but it's really balanced in my opinion. I love the M16 and M4, but man, it's so fun!!!! Plus, it's funny to hear the conversations on live. Like just yesterday, I heard this guy, who seemed to be in college/an adult, and he said to like an 8 year old "STFU AND PLAY THE GAME!!!!!" I couldn't stop laughing. This is like the best invention in the world. Microsoft rocks. I mean, yeah my 360 hasn't gotten the RRoD yet, and even if it does, I wouldn't care, cause it still is the greatest system in the world. Live>Playstation Network.
I mean seriously, LIVE rocks. I went into the Marketplace, and you can download all this stuff, like movies, TV shows, demos, and more!!!! This is so cool. Plus all for $50 for 13 months? I mean, that's a GREAT DEAL. I love live. Seriously, downloading movies onto your 360 from your TV? HOW COOL IS THAT?????????
LIVE OWNS!!!!!!!!!!!!
Let me add a Little to that.. I do know how you feel, man I almost bought a PS3 before I bought my 360. A good friend of mine talked me out of it and I haven't looked back. I still bought the other 2 systems and a better computer and I found out that my new computer has media center on it. I got Media Center connected to XBL and now when friends come over I can share my movies from PC to XBOX. Dude all my kids photo's, Movies of vacations, hell even downloaded movies of your choosing. This system is the King of Kings. I don't know how old you are, but the 360 reminds me of the good ol'days when everyone would come over and play SNES for hours. The 360 and XBL gives you that back! I'm a father of 3 and my friends, cousins, and most importantly my brother don't get to hang like we used to let alone game like we did when we were kids. The 360 lets us do that again. Dude the 360 Rocks all in favor say "I"
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