I own all three and I wish this wasn't even an issue, honestly PS3 should have had an interface that made it simple enough to do these things period, but that isn't the case. I'm hopeful "HOME" will be out soon and I hope it changes the way I look at my PS3 cause honestly I use it as my movie player and thats it. I don't want a sim and as long as I can create a friends list and it carries over from game to game and chat with ease and so on, basically I want the features on XBL on the PSN, I can care less who feels what is better. I'm so sick of this system war BS, seriously who cares! Just give us a product that works and improve on what doesn't. If in fact the PSN is improved by HOME and I enjoy it that's good enough for me!
SHO_ONE's forum posts
I honestly wouldn't know who to side with here! On one hand we could say its a learning curve that SK couldn't figure out, but SK isn't a run of the mill Developer and make awesome games I'm sure they know what to do with the engine, Ubi soft should know what to do with the engine and look a Vegas the graphics just suck...
I loved the Graphics in GOW and could never understand why no one else could make there game look good with the engine, hasn't anyone else wondered why the Unreal Engine Engine just doesn't seem to hold water with any other Dev...
Maybe, just maybe Epic is Sabotaging the composition. The question is: if they in fact are sabotaging SK, why???? GOW was bad ass and GOW2 should have no problems selling and if Too Human was to use the Unreal Engine wouldn't that only exemplify the power of the Engine, what would Epic stand to gain from selling a crappy version of the Engine. I would think they'd be better off with the monies they stand to make from selling the Lic and publicity the Engine creates for them?
Very Nice!
The Maps Maps are look'n Good!
....Once its used it can't be used again? I have the game Reserved at a Game-stop, at Best-Buy and at Game-Crazy. Yeah.... Don't ask why lets just say my brother wanted a copy and I had a BestBuy gift card! So any way, Best buy and Game Crazy have an unlockable weapon as a part of their reseve promotion and Gamestop has an unlockable map? My question is: Are the codes used to un-lock the weapon/map only good for one user use like in AOT?!?! Any real answer would be appreciated!
I know I am! I swear, this game gets worse and worse the more times I play through the SP. The ONLY redeeming quality is the MP. I have yet to lose a match online. Too bad you can't play ranked with a guest. My highest total happened last night when I was playing with my friend splitscreen. I think it topped out at 3.6 million. The other team only had 600 thounsand something, can't really remember. Other then the MP, the game is junk. The team mate AI is useless. Thanks for dragging me INTO enemy fire, then heal me or letting us get flanked from your side. :roll:
Anyways, I know it's old news by now, but once I get the achievements there's no reason to really keep this game. I've already got half of achievements right now. I should have the rest by this weekend. Probably trade it in and help my friend pay off his copy of RSV2.
Yes I'll be trading it is for R6V2, 30bucks back isn't to bad, should have rented it only took me 3 days to beat it roughly 4 times on SP with Co-Op buddy for achievements! No However I'd have to say the game was fun while it lasted
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