If you want backwards compatibility you want to get an 80 gig model. The 40 gig model only playes PS1 games, not PS2 games. Free online, it's quiter than the 360, plays Blu Ray movies, has a web browser, has a PSN store. You can store movies, music, all that good stuff. Those are some basics..Couth_
360 - STRENGHT - Games now, online now, achievements, etc / WEAKNESS- XBL 50 buck
PS3 -STRENGTH - Excellent Blu-Ray player and fun games / WEAKNESS - ON-Line is very weak and feels tacked on
Wii - STRENGTH - Cheaper, Addictive, Fun for the Whole Family / WEAKNESS - On-Line is availably just not truly being utilized by the games, Mario, Zelda, Metroid games are always fun, mostly every other game can honestly use a lot more work
Ok the PS3 has all that, but the 360's version of *all that* stuff is better in every way. I own all three systems and yes each does have its strength and weakness... In my opinion the 360 is built for Gamers, the guy or gal that wants to play games get on-line and just get in the mix now, gets a 360! I consider the PS3 the Media Machine... it has games that will entertain you and so on but it's real strength is the Blu-Ray player watch movies, and use browser if your to lazy to use the one installed on your computer.
You can play on-line, but you really get what you pay for on the PS3... For instance, as a 360 owner you know how easy it is to chat with someone in game or out, or how about the fact you have a friends list that is with you regardless of what game you play, you also know how easy it is to just play on-line and talk to your team mates without having to stop....press a button... speak... and then go back to playing. Example: War-Hawk your flying your plane and your in a big time dog fight, you need some help and oh wait a minute, let me stop the action... press the d-pad left... tell my guys were I am and that I need help....... and oh I'm dead never mind guys.
The PS3 is broken in my opinion and only half the gaming machine it could be I'm still hopeful that when HOMe arrives, will see some of the improvements the PS3 so desperately needs! The Wii, well they know how to make party games, I can't speak to much on the subject of the Wii, yes I own it but my son is the one that plays it and I prefer it that way. On-line has got to just suck though, but again I wouldn't know for a fact, just a hunch..... a player code per game just sounds tedious!
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