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SMR-Venom Blog

Taco Assaults, Serious Business!

I found something worth while in System Wars today!

VOLUSIA COUNTY, Fla. (WOFL FOX 35, Orlando) -- A 19-year-old Deltona man is arrested for assaulting his own mother, with a taco. Dena Moir tells Fox 35 News her son, Zachary Moir, got out of control Wednesday night when she was calling him down for dinner. When he refused to stop playing his X-box and come down for dinner, Dena Moir says she went upstairs and unplugged the game, that's when she says Zachary pushed her and called her a bad name. "I've been having trouble with him for awhile won't work, wont' go to school. He's being rude and disrespectful. Pushing things to the limit as far as the violence."

A few minutes later Dena says she was in the kitchen cleaning and cooking tacos for dinner when Zachary showed up. That's when she says he slapped her arm and threw a taco in her face. "He went ahead and hit me with the taco and I got taco all over my shirt and kitchen. I've threatened to call police before. But anyway this time, I thought he went too far so I called police and he's in jail now."

Dena Moir called cops and said she wants to press charges. Moir says Zachary has tried to call several times, but she's not picking up the phone yet. She says she's going to let him sit in his jail cell in Volusia County for a few days to teach him a lesson.


Taco assaults, dangerous stuff right there :| What is this World coming to?

It was probably just some PR for this.

Notice the 'M' rating. :lol: I can't stop laughing.

Happy New Year, Embrace 2009 With A Smile!

Happy New Year 2009 fellow Gamespotters :D. I hope this year goes by very well however I still have things I would like to improve. First off, get better grades in school, I want straight A's damnit :evil:! Other than that I am good. I will try to comment more on your blogs. Currently my policy is thatif you visited my blog, I visit yours. Also, I comment on the 5 most recent blogs GS shows on the right side of my profile. The only thing that made 2009 get off to a rocky start was my moderation, I went down a level for posting a picture of Travis Touchdown on a toilet D: Well anyway since this is a gaming website, I might as well tell you what I am most hyped about in 2009.

Here it goes in order...

1. Punchout!!
2. Starcraft 2
3. MadWorld
4. Muramasa: The Demon Blade
5. Empire: Total War

These are my top five picks for now. There are many others believe you me. For Q1 I plan on purchasing 2 games for the Wii and here they are.

1. MadWorld

2. Little Kings Story

I am also looking forward to House of the Dead: Overkill and Sonic and the Black Knight (There is still a chance it will be good). This can change but these 2 games are for now on my must buy list for Q1 2009. Mario and Luigi 3 might also make this list. It looks like it will be a good year for gaming and I hope you enjoy it. Once again, Happy New Year from SMR :D

P.S. Also, be sure to check out my Call of Duty: World at War review. Be sure to comment and critique.

Happy Birthday To Me!

I will be honest, I am around 3 days late with this post, considering my Birthday was December 3rd, but what the hell, I will post it anyways. Anyway, I am now 15 years old which is still pretty young compared to most people on this site :x

As far as presents go, it isn't 100% confirmed on what I will be getting. However, I am 99.9% sure it will look something like this...

The time to upgrade has arrived. The one I will be getting will be a 46" Sony Bravia with 1080p at 120 Htz and as an added bonus, my parents will also get a 5.1 Surround Sound Speaker system. As far as gaming is concerned, I will have to get component cables for my Wii and can only hope it doesn't look bad on an HDTV which it shouldn't. It should look better. Anyway I am so happy :D

Call of Duty: World at War, Banzai!

So I do not know if you guys have noticed or not but I recently purchased Call of Duty: World at War for the Wii. I was going to get it for PC but gamestop did not have it D: Anyway, I am not regretting my purchase one bit. Great game, very cinematic. It has a pretty deep story and I enjoyed the campaign more than any other WWII shooter. So anyway, you are probably wondering if I am playing online. Short answer, yes I am. However I haven't been playing with "friends", just random matches. I have honed my skills to a medium level so I feel I am ready for some friendly competition (Haha get it, pun intended)....

So here is my friend code ...

1118-3680-0012 (My name is "-SMR-", original huh?)

If you are going to add me please leave your FC in a comment below or PM me. Thanks in advance and see you guys online. Also, in other news I started playing Super Mario 64 DS just for the nostalgia. I have around 25 stars currently and it seems even harder on the DS. The controls aren't so hot but I still like it :)


New Forum Layout, Yay or Nay?

You may have noticed, there was a forum Beta going on for the last 4 weeks here at Gamespot. I was not a part of that Beta and I am glad too. The new forum layout, although easy on the eyes, is a complete failure compared to the previous one in my opinion. For me, the forums started to act extremely slow after the new layout was implemented. Posting a simple message is nerverackingly long, and that was on my new laptop which is very fast on all other websites and on the previous version of the forums. Also, this may be a small detail and you may accuse me of nitpicking, however it is very hard to see who created a thread. I keep thinking of the latest poster as the thread creator. And to add to the agony, the order of the buttons used to post has changed. Now, in place of the "Quick Reply" is the "Reply" button which makes it significantly longer to post. You may say "Change is nice" and that is perfectly fine; however, why fix something if it is not broken? These things make the overall quality of posting on the Gamespot forums annoying at best. They seem to have replaced ease of access and functionality for a nicer look.

I may be the only one facing the slow response problem but, for me at least, the new version of the forums is a big thumbs down :(

What are your thoughts?

My PSP is gonna get some more love!

Thanks to firmware 5.00, my PSP has started to get much more activity. I hadn't updated for a long time however I decided that it was time to finallyupdate yesterday and the new firmware is a very substantial update. It adds the PS Store to the PSP, so you do not need a PS3 or PC to download games, trailers, demos etcetera. The UMD games are also added to the PSN store, decreasing the price because now the UMD manufacturing is not a factor in price. So full games are no more than $23! An example would be Wipeout Pulse, which is only $15. You can also download PS1 games directly to your PSP now, which I intend to early next year. Another feature is the slick new XMB, which is very nice. And to add to the greatness, you can also download "original" PSN titles directly to your PSP which makes this the best Firmware to date, IMO.


Also I may have mentioned in one of my previous blogs that I purchased Tekken forthe PSP while I was on vacation. It is an excellent fighter for a handheld. I might post a review later on.

P.S. The polls close today, I wonder who the next President of the U.S.A will be :o

Visuals: Brawl Versus Melee

I know by now everyone is tired of all the SSBB blogs I have created, just bare with me here. Normally I couldn't care less about graphics but today I realized how good Brawl looks compared to Melee. Here's how it happened, some fanboy in SW was saying that the "Wii is less technicaly capabe than the Gamecube", which I found to be complete bull. However, to prove to him wrong, I posted some comparison pictures. Those pictures made me realize how good Brawl actualy looks compared to it's predecessor. So I will now let you witness my discovery :o

I know it seems this post is somewhat redundant considering the 6 year gap between the games but it just gains the developers some more respect, in my eyes at least.

Also, to anyone who says Wii is less technically capable than the Gamecube, I have this to say...

Caption: No need for a snappy caption here, Samus only needs to beat your *** for your idiocy :lol:

Disclaimer: This post is brought to you by System Wars.

Whooo, 3000 Posts!

Yay, I just reached 3000 posts on Gamespot, new milestone :D Whoooo... Now what? :| To OVER NINE THOUSAAAAAAAND! :twisted:

Here have some cake!


Long time, no post?

Hey guys, I am back from vacation as you may know. I went to Pakistan and on my way back to the states I stopped at some relatives in Paris and London :D I can easily say this was the best vacation ever. It was tons of fun meeting all my family/friends again.

Ok back to the gaming world, I have been inactive because school started. Yay? Now I am trying to increase my activity and I am sorry I was not able to comment on your posts. Over the summer I got some PC games from Pakistan because they were really cheap. $2 each :D I got Richard Burns Rally, F1 2006, Max Payne 2, Resident Evil 4, and Painkiller.

When I returned to the states I purchased spore which is a fantastic game. Very addictive and very fun. I thought it deserved at least a 9.5. I don't know what gamespot were thinking when they reviewed it. I probably won't get any console games until 2009 but I want to get De Blob and Little Kings Story.

Here are some pictures from Vacation!



Thats right, I went to EuroDisney 8)

MURREE (Northern area in Pakistan, beautiful place up in the mountains. It was like a vacation within a vacation since I do not live there in Pakistan. Many of our family members went here for a week, we had to rent a coach!)

Chairlift was very fun :D

Monkey scratch butt!

We actually played around with these rascals. We bought some corn and gave it to them along with apples. They would come right next to you and ask for the food lol. They were so clever that they would keep one piece in their feet and jump for another piece!

This was truly a great and exciting summer vacation but too bad it had to end :(

Well I am back no so expect me to be posting more often.

Seeya around... 8)

Going On Vacation, For 2 Months...

Yes, so summer is here and it is vacation time. I will be going to my homeland of Pakistan :D All my friends and cousins and family are there so it will likely be a blast. My flight leaves tomorrow however this most likely means very little gamespot. I probably will not be one here for a while. Maybe pop up to visit time to time. I come back in late August so don't forget about me :cry: Anyway I am really looking forward to going there. Haven't been there in 4 years. However I will be here for E3 coverage :D Tomorrow is my last day on GS for a while, seeya guys soon...