The problem for me with Vita is there's only one game I want for it that I can't get on my PS3 (I even have like 5 Vita games on PSN without even owning the systems) and that's persona golden. But I already own persona 3 on ps2 so I don't feel its worth it. My 3DS has tons of unique games I can't get anywhere else. Even with inferior tech, it really does s*** on vita. Honestly if vitas library even touched 3DS I would just switch to vita: I'm not alternating between two handhelds - it seems alittle ostentatious to me. I like to have options but Im not paying 2 hundo for another handheld when I already play 3DS everyday - moreso than any console I own (of which I own all of them) I'm not telling people "don't get vita" its all opinion but 3DS has an INSANE software lineup - its just crazy.
Well there's really nothing we can do about it - as sad as we all think it is. Especially when the last innovative football game was NFL 2K on Dreamcast. EA just cornered them out of the market. The irony is they gave up the rights of baseball - Americas other great pastime - and 2K sucks at making baseball games! I'm just hoping the next gen Madden is good or I will continue my boycott of their football games. I would rather not buy it then casually own it just to play some virtual football. I speak with my wallet. F*** the casuals. I care too much about someone actually innovating the genre to just throw my $ at them carelessly.
Damn this and Mario on the same day? I might have to just get one and pick up the other later. This holiday is going to be very expensive for gamers in general. I might not even get any PS4 gamers besides Killzone. Nintendo is going to be printing money this fall.
Thank you. The managers at all the branches in my area are misinformed incompetent dueschebags. Not worthy of a free console that should be going to someone who bought it months in advance paid in full. Should I think that's awesome news or something when I'm not even guaranteed the one I payed for? Lol
If you want it GS go buy it with your 15% discount. They didnt even email me with a release date like they were supposed to but guess what? The manager left me two messages already letting me know I could trade stuff in towards the preorder of games or a controller!!! Lmao. Talk about a scheisty POS. wow.
No need to call me an idiot. I was told I would "guaranteed" get one on launch day when preordered the console months ago and put cash down. So if I go there on November 15 and they don't give me my console then I was lied to. I don't care about RROD what does they have to do with my comment? I paid for the system way in advance so I should get it. But the gamestop manager gets one for free? Yeah that pisses me off a little. I would never camp out in front of the store you moron. Love the sarcasm of "360 red rings ring a bell?" When I never even experienced that LOL you must be a gamestop manager I would actually bet my life on it.
I was pretty sure the manager told me "guaranteed on launch day" I think they overshot their ps4 preorders. I've been getting systems at launch for different gens. The only one I had trouble getting was a 360. Well I guess I'll have to go ASAP to get it but at least I was able to reserve it. The manager definitely sang a different tune today than the last time I talked to him. Kinda worried and upset me to be honest.