Its a really good line up (much better than Sony) but best ever? Yeah right! Doesn't touch N64. Ill call it a close third tied with Dreamcast IF Ryse and Dead Rising are good. Forza and Killer Instinct are locks. Dead Rising does look like a ton of fun though.
I'm not totally sure what I want to get either its weird. EA better deliver this gen with madden (I'm a football fan but madden has sucked for years - I want it to be good) and I'm still not sold on battlefield for some reason. Killzone is prolly gonna be my pick. Knack could surprise but well see. Its a pretty anemic lineup but I still needed the console for some reason lol
I'm getting PS4 on launch day but that launch line up sucks. Makes me wish I got the Xbox one first - much more diverse, fun, polished original looking exclusives. But I made my bed so ill lay in it. I guess its mostly WiiU games for me this Holiday season. Ill still try killzone and maybe get madden if its good. Knack looks like s***
I drink coffee every morning to help get my mind going but I usually don't game in the morning or after drinking caffeinated products. I find my gaming sweet spot is around 6-10PM at night. Drinking coffee and playing games doesn't mix well for me. Like the person who mentioned below me there's no substitute (especially not artificially) for a good nights sleep!
Pure marketing bs. Its such a vague statement and nothing I have seen from Watch Dogs has impressed me. GTAV looks better than Watch Dogs. I don't get all the hype for this game - never really have. I don't want it to fail but I'm waiting for reviews. I have a feeling it honestly might either bomb or turn out just decent. I've seen numerous videos and have not once been blown away by it. It'll just be one less game I cop this Fall - never was really on my radar. I really get skeptical of games that come out on like five different platforms - talk about stretching yourself too thin. Like I said I will wait and see. If it gets 9s across the board it'll force my hand but if it gets 6,7,8s ill know all the pubs are just saving face for hyping the shyte out of it. That's what everyone has been doing - hyping this title as some sort of game changer - I don't buy it.