This game could be really good - but I dearly miss the old art style of KI. I'm really surprised they took a F2P approach with such a huge revival. Boggles my mind.
Basically this is what Microsoft and Gamestop think of their fanbase. That they're so dumb they'll buy the same game twice. Not surprised, Xbox360 is a dude bro cod machine - people buy the same game every year along with another $80 worth of map packs. So. F***ing. Dumb.
The system is less than a year old - of course there isn't a ton of games. I guarantee this next year they focus on WiiU like they did with 3DS in year two. They already have lots of games planned coming up. You are doom and glooming nine months in? Lmao maybe you feel high and dry but I have been enjoying plenty of titles - monster hunter, NSMBU, Pikmin 3, zombiu, Nintendoland, earthbound, super Metroid - and its only gonna get better just like 3DS. That sucked and sold like shyte first year and now its a darling!!!
Nice I need a quality game to tide me over till Ps4 hits. Havent played this classic in like a decade. Looks incredible. Loving Pikmin and can't wait for wonderful 101 news on Friday!
Busy with Pikmin its crazy fun xD. Ill take some Wonderful 101 news. It's been pretty slow this summer thank god for this potent combo of Pikmin/Earthbound right now and then Wonderful 101 to make my wait for PS4 easier.
I wasn't really expecting game changers on a console that's less than a year old. Nor will I expect that on ps4 or Xbox one - ps3 and Xbox 360 sucked donkey balls the first year. The game changers came later. I can give many examples. Wonderful 101 looks incredible and could be very innovative. I'm not looking for game changers - game changers will find me. I don't have a crystal ball and I can't call what will be good and what won't.
Yeah that's pretty much always been the case since as long as I can remember. Makes those lifetime numbers even more impressive as far as I'm concerned. No one abandoned WiiU unless you mean EA bitching out because they put a couple half assed ports on WiiU that fizzled out. Way to innovate EA! XD