Amazing game. Decent review. Yet again you guys suck all the fun out of gaming with your critiques. But I can't hate on you personally KVO - you're honestly the last good editor this website has left! Though I couldn't disagree more with your stance on the perks. I think it's an incredibly fun but unobtrusive meta system that encourages different styles of driving and that's a reward in and of itself. I completely agree with your criticism about wanting the SP and MP to have better integration. I would score this game a 9/10 for that reason. But theres no putting a number on fun factor and this is as fun as you're going to have this year.
I'll just piggyback that other comment (not to pile on you or anything lol) by adding that unlike Forza 5 this has a dynamic weather system and day/night cycles in addition to the open world (which entails many locations and different scenery) so I would say locked 30FPS is actually pretty good. Sounds bad but trust me this game is ridiculously smooth.
Great review from one of Gamespots best editors. Really enjoying this game a lot. Definitely a sign of how MS is diversifying their library this gen with unique, quirky titles (looking forward to Ori and Cuphead) I would personally give it an 8. I love how they surpised released it too. I wish more games would do that. Kind of the antithesis to overhyped, over advertised and ultimately disappointing AAA fare that I've seen of late. I wish you guys would feature this review - I had to dig alittle to find it!
Damn that's harsh after all that hype lol. I have the utmost respect for Kevin as an editor too so I can't really argue with him. Although I would give it a 7 or 8. I don't think its that bad. Certainly doesn't reinvent the wheel or do anything extraordinary to set it apart IMO. The mechanics are very solid and the aesthetics are great.
Yeah I would put TF and FM at 2 and 1, respectively. I think Forza is a reason to get Xbox one if you are a racing fan. Those impulse triggers....oh boy lol honestly it might be my most standpoint experience of all next gen so far is Forzas controls.
Officially now my second most anticipated game (NOTHING replaces Fallout 4. NOTHING!) and my PS4 is looking pretty good right about now! This is next gen dark souls people lol. Get f****ing EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is one of the better features I've seen on tnis site done by probably your best and smartest editor. And all his points are exactly why I don't buy games like Watch Dogs and Assassins Creed. Ubi are just not good at keeping immersion in their open world games for a variety of reasons. Honestly it can't even all be summed up in just one paragraph. All of these open world games are pretty similar in terms of gameplay and structure but its the subtle things that companies like Rockstar and Bethesda commit to that set them at that top tier and make me want to explore their worlds. I'll give a tiny example in watch dogs that completely breaks immersion but its so small you might not even notice. Notice while you play that throughout the entire game when you near a car it will prompt you what button to press every single time. Now, do they really think their gaming public is so dumb that they have to continually remind you of this? Well, apparently so because that is precisely what they do. With rockstar, they know good game design. Ease people into the controls via early missions and then never bring them up again! Keep that damn clutter off the screen! And I am not saying Rockstar and Bethesda game are perfect. Just far superior in terms of immersion. And I'm not saying this to insult the devs of watch dogs whose hard work and skill I admire.