This game looks phenomenal. Very excited to play this tomorrow. This was one of my most anticipated games at E3. Bastion was incredible so I've been following this for a while now.
They won't because its a Nintendo game. They finally re review a game and its for Titanfall the most hyped game I ever saw in my life. They did it for clicks. They don't do it because its the right thing to do.
Is this a joke? I mean I know this website is a joke now but is this a late April fools joke I'm wondering...If not then please gamespot, stop giving low scores to exceptional games because you basically suck at them. You die in dark souls that's your fault. Your childish excuses shouldn't be listed in the cons. It's becoming a pattern with a lot of your editors!
Unquestionably my most anticipated game. I'll start paying attention when official announcements are made. I just can't handle any letdowns or shattered expectations. Seriously this series is too important to me. I even built a PC just to play it optimally. I am a fallout obsessive. I have PS4 but I'll probably build yet another PC in case Bethesda f***s up the console ports like they did last gen.
Right now I got about 70 percent of the trophies. Gonna do that evil expert run now probably. Excellent game all in all. Very similar to the previous entries in core gameplay (whether that's good or bad is for you to decide) but huge graphical boost obviously. There isn't a ton of freedom and sometimes doing side missions straddles the line between fun and 'just going tnrough the motions' but when its all clicking this game is a blast. I'm just hoping I won't have to do all the side missions again now. I think they could have either sped up the tagging or made it more complex and the other side quests are not too original. I actually enjoyed the hidden camera ones. Coles legacy was decent and you get his jacket which is cool. I started really enjoying paper trail and then it ended! I will have to go online to check that out.
I'm not denying the quality of the game (played the beta, loved it its excellent) but how can you give a definitive score for an online only game that isn't out yet? No biggy I just find that odd or misleading.
This game looks like a mess but it also looks like the kind of game you could have some good fun with. Too many games in March for me to consider buying this though so its a moot point anyway..