How's the online now? Still a broken POS? Was just wondering..I usually never return games but I returned this after literally a week of pure glitchy bull shyte. I find it hilarious that this series has such an ardent fanbase. I mean - I get it - dudebros want a more legitimate shooter than COD so BF fills that gap. Can't wait till Titanfall comes out and outright destroys two series in one swoop that have been around for way too long and one that is criminally broken. How did this broken game get 8-9s from every review site?
I think the only negative should be that they didn't add a new game plus mode. Anyone who actually - ya know - played the game could tell you this. But this is just another usual BS, rush job review from Gamespot. And if you found the plot uninteresting then this review shouldn't even be taken seriously. That said, 60 is pretty steep for the same exact game with a graphical bump. They should have added a new game plus and taken away the MP. There - that's the review in one sentence lol
I would give it a solid 7.5 I can't give this game higher than that after playing it. Not only are the bugs ridiculous but the game itself is very overrated in a variety of departments even if it didn't have all the bugs. I can't play conquest, it boots me out of servers a majority of the time and it will switch game modes on me after matches end. And then they're are the random in game bugs like textures not loading for example. In game its smaller but it adds up over time in terms of frustration and ease of play. IMO this is inexcusable if you want to be considered a marquee franchise. Otherwise, when it works its moderately fun - but it doesn't reinvent the wheel so lets not say its something its not. Its Battlefield 3.5. The big draw was us PS4/Xbox one players would finally be getting a PC like experience and I gotta say: it's not all its cracked up to be. But if you aren't having these same problems as me then you will obviously have a less frustrating experience. Still, I have played numerous COD and Battlefield games and they're both overrated, stagnating series with insane production values except cod gets the edge because its not a buggy pos like BF is. You shouldnt release games this buggy that are marketed as AAA titles!!!! But they had to compete with cod - couldn't delay it like 6 months? Lol
GOTY. And this is coming from someone who was almost positive nothing would dethrone TLOU. Well I was completely wrong. This is a masterclass in game design. I didn't even comment here on the review because I've been playing it religiously since release. Great job Nintendo!!!! XD
"If there was ever an AC to get the series back on track this is it."
Didn't Kevin Van Ord give AC3 an 8.5?
I promised I would stay away but this website is so full of s*** in how they justify their payed off reviews. Beyond Two Souls ads plastered all over this website weeks before it's reviewed and McShea - notoriously jaded critic - rates it ten points higher than the last of us. This site is absolutely pathetic. Sorry - not buying another overrated AC game.
I'm happy they changed the site for the worse. Its a symbol of how bad it's gotten from an editorial standpoint. I went from being a huge everyday fan, to a casual passerby to someone who rarely visits save for the occasionally laugh. I think the unaccessible and off putting aesthetics perfectly mirror how poor this site has become. Has anyone practically stopped visiting at all since they changed the look? I think they did it on purpose to keep people away. And this has nothing to do with this review - I don't even play GTA (although I'm sure the review sucks because Carolyn is the worst editor on the site) I just wanted to use this comments board to say f*** you gamespot you lost a loyal reader of over a decade.