@Archaicc What it also doesn't show is how many of the 360 sales were replacement sales due to the dreaded Red Rings of Death. Even if people bought the PS3 for a blu ray player, it was a valid original sale, and accurate number displacement. And not a repurchase due to hardware failure. Showing a sales figure that consists of multiple resales is misleading. Fanboyism is when you take deliberate jabs at someone else for no apparent reason.
@lelieth @SSJ4Goku2 I know what ur saying, it's like people don't get that at the end of the day, they are just games. They don't make or break our lives. Sony and Microsoft put on a show that does pump this fanboyism, but at the end of the day, these too carry own business transactions between one another. sssooo, if people like sony, it's cool. Don't bash the people that like microsoft, and for people that like microsoft, don't bash the people who like sony. They both are here for the same reason, to take our money, and provide us entertainment. Hope you like and enjoy whatever system you buy friend, no matter what anyone says to you.
Its all just a matter of opinion. The consoles are made with different gamers in mind. So just enjoy what you all like, and leave others alone,.... K?!
SSJ4Goku2's comments