If its steam related then that means hermits may be soon experienceing the awesome that is Ys III: Oath in Felghana, Legend of Heroes VI: Trails in the Sky and maybe even Ys Origins and Ys I&II.
One can hope :D
Well, experiance legally I suppose is the term, or in a language that they speak. Considering the success of more niche Japanese titles on steam, I am surprised no one took the translated Falcom games that were already on PC and simply applied the translations to them and launched them on steam.
I'd re-buy a couple of Ys titles on steam, I'd even be willing to pay $30-40 for Trails in the Sky.
Best case scenerio, Trails in the Sky finds new found popularity and gurantees XSEED being able to complete their translation of the sequel. With the right price, some front page display and some sales down the line, it should do well. If a game like reccetear was able to, then surely.
Well we're talking one dev who found success on Steam in the west.
It'll take some time for word to get out I'm sure. I doubt many Japanese devs/publishers know just how well Carpe Fulgar (who released Recettear, Fortune Summoners, and Chantelise) did on Steam.
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