Anyone so beyond boredom that just the thought of being bored sounds entertaining?
SW__Troll's forum posts
Maybe on consoles. On PC they've started making profits after 500K[QUOTE="AdrianWerner"]
[QUOTE="WilliamRLBaker"] when 1 million barely covers most budgets...even by smaller studio standards.musalala
Nice, correct me if I am wrong but on pc you don"t pay publishing rights, yes?
Publishers fund games, and take a cut of the revenue the game makes. PC devs aren't immune to requiring publishers.
However, CD Projekt Red did self-publish the game through digital outlets, but I think they're having Warner Bros bring the 360 retail release to America, so Warner Bros will see a cut of each 360 version sold.
The only way a developer can avoid paying anyone anything is to both self-publish their game, and to sell it on their own retail outlet. CD Projekt does that on their website, so they see 100% of all money coming through that website.
However they give a cut of each copy sold through any retail chain, and that includes PC digital distributers like Steam.
It has occured to me that practically no one in SW gives a damn about fighting games. Just made a Street Fighter X Tekken hype/info thread an hour ago, and no one has posted yet.
Oh well.... glad I only typed 5% of it.
Well, I don't care about Street Fighter X Tekken, and I bet not many other people do.
But fighting games in general? I donno.
how can you be nostalgic over something new?[QUOTE="zarshack"]
Most "quality" games from this gen won't be remembered for long, either.
Lol, seriously.
I think this gen will be fondly remembered for being the last generation where gaming was real. I have a bad feeling that next gen, along with gens after, will be all about DRM, screwing over consumers, DLC up the rear, no risks, no new I.P.s, and an overall bad taste left in everyone's mouth.
I'm usually a glass half full kinda person, but I seriously think this is the last generation we have where gaming is real. The great games from this gen are gonna be remembered.
I'll fondly remember next gen.
I don't really play the games anymore, but when I look back at my gaming past I find these games bring me very fond memories
- Warcraft 2
- Command & Conquer Red Alert
- Mercs
- Major League Baseball Featuring Ken Griffey Jr.
- Halo CE
I want to see Nintendo, and Valve.
If its steam related then that means hermits may be soon experienceing the awesome that is Ys III: Oath in Felghana, Legend of Heroes VI: Trails in the Sky and maybe even Ys Origins and Ys I&II.
One can hope :DShirokishi_
I doubt they'd put older games up, but maybe.
I personally wouldn't mind Half Minute Hero though.
Just amazing.
Now if only PC gaming wasnt so expensive in the long term...I would try to save a couple bucks from my $280 weekly salary just to save enough for damn rig.
In the long term? No, no no.
With free-to-play games, Steam sales, a free content you will game more cheaply than you ever have before.
It's just the upfront cost you need to worry about, but if you come up with a budget you could find some help on the PC forums, or the lounge on System Wars.
$600 (without monitor) will get you a great computer that'll play every game in the OP though, and every other game available for the PC atm very well. You won't max a tiny handful of games, however, but I can't imagine that's a huge issue.
Only in System Wars where a niche game selling 1.1 million on a single platform is a bad thing.
For comparison, Dark Souls which is a niche 'hardcore' game which slightly similar mechanics sold 1.5 million copies across two platforms.
Where'd you get that number?
They give us some pretty good games.
If they were to actually become a Steam partner I'd be quite happy.
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