Cause I'm the type of person who likes to do something right or not do it at all. I'm not going to spend 600 bucks on a mediocore PC, its either balls to the wall awesome or its not getting done. That's all there is too it.
So you would spend an extra $1000 to play five games better?
And a $600 pc is mediocre? How would you even know?
Nope, spend the extra money to max everything on the market at extremely high resolutions and never have to tinker with settings to find the perfect blend of performance to graphics. Also please, a $600 is not going to give you the visuals and performance that make Pc gaming such a superior option to consoles. I don't want to just beat consoles when I make a PC, I want to blow them away. No PC enthusiat here is going to try and tell me I can get a PC from scratch with everything including monitor, keyboard, mouse and copy of windows for $600. Get out of here with that shiit.
Again, how would you even know? Have you ever tried to build your own PC?
But you're right. You would need to add a $100-$150 monitor to that price.
A $600 pc isn't going to just beat consoles. "Just beating" consoles wouldn't mean playing 95% of games at 1080p+ resolutions with 60+ fps. There are diminishing returns as you keep increasing your hardware power especially with the games out today. You're basically stating you need to spend an extra $500-$1000 more to get 0 added benefit on 95% of games, but to max out games like Crysis, in order to blow consoles away.
Take me as a friend, or an enemy. I don't really care, but I warn you to NOT GO INTO PC GAMING WITH THAT MINDSET. You are going to set yourself up for the most extreme amount of buyer's remorse fathomable.
You don't even know what you'd truly like out of PC gaming it seems. It's a much better idea to work from the ground up than the top down. You know what I mean?
If you don't care much about Crysis then why would you want to max Crysis? If you don't care much about flight simulators, or racing simulators then why would you want a triple monitor setup? If you don't even use a keyboard/mouse to play games as it is then do you really think it'd be a wise choice to buy some $100 accessories that you don't even know the benefits of (assuming there actually are any)?
Why not ask your friends about it? I see you in the lounge every day, and I guarantee you every PC gamer in that lounge is not rocking a $1500 rig, and yet they absolutely love gaming on their PC.
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