Why do I need a "gaming PC" when I clearly said I don't care about things that go with one? I do enjoy games on PC like pinball, solitare and freecell. There you go, I do enjoy games on PC.
Of all the times you talk about being open-minded towards games, and new experiences, and how you like RPGs, and other story-driven games.
It's just odd to see you state you have an inability to enjoy PC games as it goes against your stance towards gaming.
I am pretty open-minded, and I know what I like and what I don't. You don't have to own every single platform and every single game in existance to have a rich gaming experience you know.I've clearly explained that I have limited time to enjoy the games and systems I have now. My backlog is almost to the ceiling as we speak. I get to decide how to spend my free time and how I spend my money.
PC gamers can have a lot of double-standards. On one hand, I hear posters like you saying PC gaming can be enjoyed without having to spend a lot of money on hardware, and then just like last night I read a comment from a PC elitest telling another PC gamer that if she didn't upgrade to the latest "standard" as he saw it, I guess, she should "quit gaming on PC". I don't get you guys sometimes.
I'm not a person who likes to think about and talk about specs, I have no desire to build a gaming PC, I don't care about most of its Western-centric games and I don't like the PC gaming community (as I've seen it on places like System Wars and in other gaming forums).
You guys just need to accept the fact that there are a lot of different ways for people to enjoy games and gaming, and not everyone is interested in the hands-on approach to PC gaming.
PC gamers like me huh?
The guy who defends even the most indefensible of console features against fanboys of other systems?
The guy who has, on multiple occasions, been complimented for the amount of sense he brings to a discussion whether it be PC or console talk?
The guy who has literally been called a console fanboy in a discussion about PCs?
PC gamers like me?
You may know what you like, and don't like, but you may also understand that there's always room to discover more. That's what a gamer should think.
The mindset that you have an inability to like something is not open AT ALL.
Japanese and Western devs share many parallels in their game design. The only area they tend to differ being how they craft their RPGs, but you'd be lying if you said you have not enjoyed any WRPGs on your PS3 or 360 wouldn't you? Heck, you'd also be lying if you said you don't enjoy any western-made games on your consoles.
I personally never talk about specs unless the discussion calls for it, and even then I rarely partake. I also don't let fanboys affect my ability to enjoy something. When you go and play your PS3 do you get reminded of what some fanboy on the internet said? I doubt it.
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