[QUOTE="meetroid8"]If MS needs mandatory payments to make a profit then they should restructure their online strategy. SauceKing
agreed, like every cell phone company on earth that sells theirs hardware at a loss in order to make it up with service charges. Glad you are making a stand against this type of business practice by not owning a cell phone.
I was playing it at a friend's house... and I have to say, I'm not getting it. Don't get me wrong, it has a great atmosphere, but why do so many people think it's "horrifying?" There are two types of monsters and one of them is invisible. To be perfectly honest, I found the game to be about as scary as Silent Hill Shattered Memories. (That is to say, not very.)
Lems are the stupidest people on the internet, I dont care what anyone says.
you guys can continue to say PS3 fans are worst but Lems have proven time and time again to be the stupidest people on this board.
FFS let it be known that these guys are idiots.:lol:
Anyone paying to unlock online gaming in 2012 is an idiot. they just don't get it lol. you should never have to subscribe to a service just to play a game online, you're internet provider is already allowing you access to that feature, you're already paying the price to access that feature. Now MS comes in and charges you again, for no reason ! :lol:
the last time I bought a Gold membership card was for Halo : Reach and it wasn't worth it.
My internet provider pays for my Minecraft server?
Yet on PC and on PS3 is free. I can't comprehend how people pay for something that is supposed to be free.
PC online is only "free" because dedicated members of the community donate the money for the servers you play on.
Like me for instance. I pay money to game online on the PC. A $5 a month donation to help keep a Minecraft server up, so $60 a year for one game.
If it's worth it I don't see what the problem is. I used to spend $180 a year to play WoW, and now I spend $60 a year to play Minecraft. People who pay $60 for Xbox live get access to much more than I do spending money on a single game.
Because they are charging you to use your own bandwidth? It's like McDonalds charging you to eat that sandwich you made at your own place.charizard1605
That's a bad analogy.
It doesn't cost McDonalds money if you eat a sandwich at your house.
Meanwhile it costs MS and Sony hundreds of millions of dollars to keep PSN and Xbox Live up and running.
[QUOTE="mems_1224"]sure, but one great game is better than 10 mediocre onesmems_1224
Not really. You'll likely find 2 great ones in that stack of 10 mediocres, because you were too lazy to give the game a chance the first time around.
nah, uncharted 3 and infamous were meh. they were worse than the previous games. resistance and killzone :lol:. mlb the show and lb2 were the only good ps3 games from last year
In terms of PS3 exclusives last year WORTH BUYING only MLB made the cut for me.
I think that's what Sony might be beginning to understand. Spending millions to produce rentals is not worth it.
They should focus more on games people actually want, and keep, unlike games like Resistance which sold a few hundred thousand copies to a group of 60 million PS3 owners. There's no way that game was worth sinking millions of dollars into.
Wow, blatant fanboyism right there. Instead of just saying "other games" it had to be PC handling.
You can't take somebody serious when they are that biased.
If they had said other games nobody would have known what they meant.
Why shouldn't they specify? Their readers are racing fans, and the more realistic sims are on the PC, so they might as well tell their readers that, so they don't go into Forza thinking it's as realistic as can be.
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