So you're going from a $200 console to a $1000 PC? :lol:
Some people have money. People like you, don't.
I have personally spend around $1200 or so this gen on my PC.
Mainly because the amount of games that come out for the PC just dwarfs the size of the console library.
I mean cows and lemmings are fighting over what, the difference between 5 and 6 exclusives on their consoles last year?
There's about a dozen brand new exclusive games that just came out for the PC within the last two weeks alone. And that's just what's on Steam. Who knows just how many indie projects have been released in that time frame.
The value a PC brings gaming-wise is just nasty compared to consoles let alone the other thousand features a PC is capable of.
I already imagine all the great things that could happen with the Nintendo tablet, but it'll be limited if no multiplat devs care to do a little extra for the tablet integration.
If multiple consoles have tablet controllers then we could potentially see some effort put into make some new game experiences with those tablet controllers.
Personally, when I experience cognitive dissonance because a reviewer I like gives a game I like a bad score, I go with, "I no longer trust this reviewer." (Not that I'm a fan of Amalur... haven't even tried the demo yet, though I surely will do to the shameless Mass Effect 3 tie-in. Kevin V lost me right from the get-go with his harsh - some would say lazy - treatment of my beloved Tenchu-Z.)
I have never even played Tenchu-Z. So I have no idea what you are talking about. If you're gonna make snap judgments about someone, at least get your people right. That was Aaron Thomas. I would respond to some of the serious points in this thread, but it would get swallowed by most of the thread's ridiculousness. I will say that this thread was my main source of entertainment during my commute tonight, however. I am grateful for the incredible entertainment!
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