this is why i defend a broader definition. the definition of JRPG is very loose to begin with. i'm just showing it by bringing out the main games that supposedly "define" the genre and show how little they connect to each other. they all fit the "RPG" definition, but what makes all of them JRPGs? what puts them under that supposedly more specific flag? it's not as much an outlying feature as it is a completely different kind of game, played by different crowds with different tastes. both amnesia and resident evil are under the same "broad" flag of survival horror. after all, both games emphasize on fear, and scarce supplies to an extent. now if someone bothered making "shoot zombies" a defining factor of survival horror, or come up with a specific subgenre for it (survival horror shooter or whatever), then the games would be separated. so this is the problem: JRPG is supposed to be a subgenre, a specification of something broader (RPG), but that specification just doesn't work, as i mentioned above. the outlying features you keep talking about are what discern them inside the RPG genre, not the JRPG genre. an example of a well defined subgenre is the military FPS. it's simple, it's specific, and the outliers don't break the definition: "it's a first person shooter with a military setting".BrunoBRS
Well I suggest a few things.
1. Begin seperating each, and every JRPG into it's own sub-genre for all to enjoy
2. Don't read too much into it, and attempt to understand what someone means when they start talking about genres
I follow number 2 myself as the first is just too time-consuming, and would result in such a mess that nobody would use it. I don't agree with the idea of picking apart each and every game just to find one or two features that should seperate it from the rest. I understand both Resident Evil and Amnesia as Survival Horror games just as I understand both Quake, and STALKER as FPS games.
But I do keep in mind their differences for such an occasion as when someone asks for a recommendation for a game.
If they want a scary game that's unlike Resident Evil then I'll give them Amnesia
If they want a multiplayer FPS that'll put their skills to the test then I'll show them Quake, and not STALKER.
and if they want a JRPG that reminds them of their good old days of playing Final Fantasy, Dragon Warrior, or Super Mario RPG you know what I will not recommend? Dark Souls.
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