Sony's Takeshi Kajii and From Software's Hidetaka Miyazaki on why the dark fantasy title has captured the imagination of players worldwide.
"Likewise, the dark, heavy fantasy setting runs contrary to the JRPG's ongoing primary-coloured charm aesthetic, while the ponderous, precise nature of the combat contains none of the insta-thrill of its exuberant, button-mashing contemporaries."
""I'm no fan of the genre westerners refer to asthe JRPG," saysTakeshi Kajii, the producer at Sony Computer Entertainment who first approached From Software with the proposition to rediscover a lost breed of action game."
Astetic refers to the art design of the game as as opposed to others, this is not only JRPG that departs from that aesthetic, you are just ignorant to those games (NIER) is a prime example of a similar dark, heavy fantasy aesthetic that is still a JRPG
He said westerners refer to as, here a critical note...why didn't he simply say "JRPG"? Becauethat ishim just saying he doesn't not a fan of that type of rpg, but not being ignorant like many westerners he realized that the JRPG is not limited to that preception
Also, he sayd "rediscover a lost breed",if WRPGsare where they are pullingDS from...why do they have to rediscover it? Because it's not WRPGs where they were pulling their ideas from andNO WHERE in any of this does he ****fy his game as a WRPG. that is just ignorant WRPGfanboy wants and desires to deny if from being a japanse work
I agree.
There is a genre known as JRPG
There is a genre known as ARPG
Dark/Demon Souls fit into the latter
That's what the developer was getting at.
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