@kozzy1234: The Witcher 3 is over rated champ, it has 'some' good writing and that's about it. Far too many bugs and flaws in its mediocre gameplay though. I'm no fan boy, I just think that consoles are a better gaming platform. My PC is great for emails though, so there's that I guess.
@kozzy1234: lol GTA V came out 8 years ago, we played it to completion 17 times while you clowns were busy whining and writing petitions (as usual), the rest aren't worth talking about
@bethgetrekt: Great news on the depth of Settlements. The writer preferred a shallow experience but I am the opposite, crafting and settlement building is what I am looking forward to the most.
@arrowhead927: As long as people pay for it, they will be there. Why not? Its a business and AAA games are incredibly expensive to make. As a AAA game publisher you'd be a complete fool if you didn't have micro transactions or paid DLC these days. In terms of production costs, AAA game development would have to be one of the most expensive entertainment exercises on the planet. They generally cost more money than feature films to make and take 3-4 or more years to develop.
Don't get me wrong, I am not saying people should be ripped off, the value for your dollar with the content provided should be absolutely important. But that is an individual thing, who am I or you to tell anyone else how they spend their own money? In Bungie's case I just can't see why pointless and optional emotes have got people so worked up about.
@polishkid99: lol music to a f2p game developers ears, and you're complaining about some emotes in a game where emotes are completely optional and also completely pointless. f2p games require you to purchase if you would like to be even somewhat competitive.
I'd even wager that a regular player of any of those four games you mention would have outlaid more money on those games than any player has spent on Destiny. Easily. So please, regale me with more tales of how Bungie are ripping off gamers. I'll repeat it again for you, slowly if you like ... Bungie's income from micro transactions would pail in comparison to those companies.
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