What does this have to do with TELEVISION?! Get your priorities right Microsoft, we want to know what time Days of our Lives is on Thursday afternoons.
@Fionn99 WoW is done and dusted, its had a great run but its running out of gas and rehashing the same stuff with a different skin isn't exactly going to set the world on fire.
As much as I am looking forward to this MMO is great to see that Blizzard aren't afraid to make tough calls in keeping their project heading in the right direction or changing that direction completely. Good work Blizz!
@punksterdaddy Yeah mate I have 36k gamerscore and have supported Microsoft through both of their consoles but I am jumping ship. I also own a PS3 but purely as a blu-ray movie player. I've created a PSN account and I'm not looking back. All future games I was looking at buying will be on the PS3 - such as GTAV and then I'll purchase a PS4. Xbox live I think is a superior online service and I prefer the xbox controller but there is no way known I am going to support Microsoft after they've turned their backs on the gamers. I don't care what they do at E3 in terms of games, I'm done. Looking forward to my PS3 and then PS4 going forward.
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