@swatleader: NCR and Caesars Legion were horrid, the quests were ok in places but there wasn't anything memorable. Fallout 4 had a better story and side quests. Better environment? What are you smoking? An orange desert and more orange desert doesn't even come close to Fallout 4s environments. Not even the same ballpark. As for DLCs, Far Harbor alone was better than every DLC made for NV, Nuka World was very good as was Automatron. The other two were average, even though I am a huge fan of the settlement building Fallout 4 brought to the game (which neither F3 or NV had). Combat and VATS in Fallout 4 were massively improved, as is a voiced protanganist rather than some mute character. Survival mode in Fallout 4 is incredibly good and the only way it should be played. F4 improved the franchise by a massive amount sorry.
@spaced92: I'm a huge Fallout fan and New Vegas was complete garbage. Horrible game and Obsidian shouldn't be allowed anywhere near the franchise again. Period. Fallout 3 and 4 are the pinnacle, especially 4. 1 and 2 were laughable to say the least.
@nibbin1191: After Fallout 4 and the children screaming that Bethesda needs a new engine. (It doesn't, that engine is better than any other of its type), they listened. They're making not only a new game but also a new engine for TES 6 because you kids wanted one, so you can wait.
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