@skippert: It took 24 hours of gameplay to change my opinion of an 8.5 to a 9, yep absolutely. Great game, in fact my GOTY for 2017. Please don't be mad at me.
@Fallenlords69: Multiple enemies absolutely should be a challenge and in this game they are. Unity was similar, if you alert the entire camp you're screwed unlike a lot of games out there. The Witcher 3 also has exactly the same approach with multiple enemies. That's why the stealth approach works well and why it should be used, although with practise handling a lot of enemies gets easier but it is never a cake walk.
@streamline: Actually I'd change my score to a 9 after playing it for 24hr+ and can't wait to get back into it. The stealth and enemy AI is great, not sure what the problem is with stealth because I just don't see any.
@Darkangel2154: Agreed. Play it on hard, its a nice challenge, I thought normal was just a little too easy. It has touches of all the AC games a little bit of FarCry and The Witcher 3, really good return to the series and easily in my top 3 GOTY.
@chubby170: Agreed, Project Cars has the worst most convoluted, boring career mode I have ever witnessed in any racing game. If you can tailor the difficulty with sliders then you have zero challenge. You cannot touch the difficulty of Gran Turismo's campaign, you're either good enough or you're not. No pathetic rewind feature from Forza or turn all the sliders down in Project Cars because you're bad here I'm afraid.
Online? Who the **** isn't connected to the internet these days? My PS4 and PC have been permanently connected without a hitch for the past 4 years. Online racing in GT Sport is nothing short of excellent, the entire approach is far better than Project Cars. GT Sport also has it covered in the graphics department although pretty much every racing game these days is very well done to be honest. Handling? GT Sport handles really well, easily better than any other GT game and better than Project Cars. Yes it is short on tracks, it has 19 with 27 layouts which is perfectly fine. Cars? At launch the number is 160 but how many cars does a player regularly drive anyway? I have always picked 6-10 cars that I drive more than any others no matter which game it is or how many cars they have. Presentation in GT Sport is incredibly well done also and with more DLC to come, I can see myself playing it for a long time.
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